Saturday, March 28, 2020

Where's Your Bank? Matthew 6

 asks an interesting enquiry that each Christian must answer Where's Your Bank? Matthew 6

"Where's your bank?"

This is the principal enquiry of Matthew 6.

If we're giving, praying, fasting, in addition to acting spiritual to survive seen yesteryear men, we're making deposits inwards the banking concern of worldly praise (6:1-18).

If coin or career is our principal focus inwards life, we're making deposits inwards the banking concern of materialism in addition to comfort (6:24).

If we're letting earthly cares eat us, we're making deposits inwards the banking concern of unbelief in addition to temporal values (6:25-34).

The message of Matthew half dozen is similar to 1 John 2:15-17:

"Do non honey this public nor the things it offers you, for when you lot honey the world, you lot create non bring the honey of the Father inwards you. For the public offers alone a craving for physical pleasure, a craving for everything nosotros see, in addition to pride inwards our achievements in addition to possessions. These are non from the Father, only are from this world. And this public is fading away, along amongst everything that people crave. But anyone who does what pleases God volition alive forever."

Where's your bank? I promise it's described inwards 1 Timothy 6:17-19.
Check out today's Bite Size Bible Study to create a brusk Bible written report on this devotion.

 asks an interesting enquiry that each Christian must answer Where's Your Bank? Matthew 6
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 asks an interesting enquiry that each Christian must answer Where's Your Bank? Matthew 6

Bible Love Notes