Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Emotions, Logic, Or God's Word?

Do yous realize how most folks brand decisions Emotions, Logic, or God's Word?

Lately I've noticed non-Biblical beliefs are difficult to overcome.
For example, I've constitute it difficult to convince people amongst the "Judge Not!" mindset that many types of judgment are Biblical. (See my Biblical Judgement Archive)

I've argued from a betoken of logic, explaining judgment is necessary:
  • for formulating values together with beliefs.
  • for moral decision-making.
  • for protecting ourselves from bad influences.
  • for helping others caught inwards sin.
I've presented numerous Scriptures confirming these points of logic.*

I've fifty-fifty referenced the wisdom of respected Bible scholars together with teachers.

But I'm finding that zip volition modify some people's minds.

This was perplexing to me until I read virtually a recent study that concluded most people brand decisions based on emotions, non logic. 

Emotions tin strength out last good, only exclusively when coupled amongst truth. Otherwise they Pb to mistake together with sin.*

I realize that I'm likewise susceptible to illogical, un-biblical emotions - together with then are you. Let's pray each twenty-four hours that nosotros lean on God's wisdom, non our ain (Proverbs 3:5-6).
* When I speak of coming from a betoken of logic, I'm talking virtually Biblical logic, non human logic. Biblical logic volition ever last confirmed inwards Scripture, together with Scripture is the highest potency because it is God's Word.

Do yous realize how most folks brand decisions Emotions, Logic, or God's Word?
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Do yous realize how most folks brand decisions Emotions, Logic, or God's Word?