Wednesday, December 11, 2019

6 Ways To Struggle Our Enemies - Psalm 143

 Ways to struggle our enemies together with sometimes our enemies are of our ain making half dozen Ways to Fight Our Enemies - Psalm 143

Sometimes nosotros notice ourselves inwards a province of affairs where enemies get got the upper hand. 

At other times, nosotros are our ain worst enemy, letting our thoughts spiral into hopelessness.

Whichever "enemy" we're facing, Psalm 143 gives us advice:

1. The Psalmist cries out to the Lord (1-6).

2. He acknowledges that he won't larn inwards without the Lord (7). 

3. He meets alongside God inwards the morn looking for aid (8).

4. He "hides" inwards the Lord, knowing God volition protect him (9).

5. He asks God's Spirit to guide him together with give him wisdom (10).

6. He affirms his trust together with commitment (8,12).
    When we're troubled, discouraged, or nether attack, these steps are important.

    While it's expert to larn godly advice, nosotros demand to attempt God outset together with foremost, admitting our need. 

    When nosotros wake upward - earlier fearfulness or bitterness takes possession of our thoughts - nosotros should attempt the Lord together with "hide" inwards His wisdom together with comfort. 

    We should attempt His guidance together with confess our trust.


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     Ways to struggle our enemies together with sometimes our enemies are of our ain making half dozen Ways to Fight Our Enemies - Psalm 143
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     Ways to struggle our enemies together with sometimes our enemies are of our ain making half dozen Ways to Fight Our Enemies - Psalm 143