Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Keeping Spiritually Fit

Some of the same principles for staying physically jibe utilize to staying spiritually jibe Keeping Spiritually Fit

To maximize our health, nosotros involve a salubrious diet together with regular exercise. These trim our adventure of pump disease, together with keep us from growing weak together with flabby.

The same is truthful for our spirits.

To rest spiritually fit, nosotros involve a salubrious diet alongside large daily servings of God’s Word:

"Man shall non alive on breadstuff alone, only on every discussion that comes from the oral cavity of God." Matthew 4:4

We too involve regular practise inward applying Biblical principles:

"For physical grooming is of approximately value, only godliness has value for all things, belongings hope for both the introduce life together with the life to come." 1 Timothy 4:8

These lower our adventure of spiritual pump disease.

“Therefore, I urge you, brothers together with sisters, inward sentiment of God’s mercy, to offering your bodies every bit a living sacrifice…be transformed yesteryear the renewing of your mind. Then you lot volition survive able to examination together with approve what God’s volition is—his good, pleasing together with perfect will.” Romans 12:1-2

Some of the same principles for staying physically jibe utilize to staying spiritually jibe Keeping Spiritually Fit
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Some of the same principles for staying physically jibe utilize to staying spiritually jibe Keeping Spiritually Fit