Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Crumbling Foundations

The Crumbling Walls of Jericho incorporate an of import message for us Crumbling Foundations

Historians say us at that topographic point were ii walls surrounding Jericho, i twelve feet thick, i vi feet thick. 

Houses similar Rahab’s were built on sturdy planking that bridged a 15 human foot gap betwixt those walls.

God told the Israelites to conquer Jericho inwards a unique way. They blew horns too marched simply about the metropolis for vi days. Then, on the 7th day, they shouted inwards unison too the walls collapsed. 

Imagine the sight equally the walls tumbled into dust too rubble, amongst i minor department of the wall remaining intact—a unmarried menage amongst a scarlet cord dangling from the window. 

What a practiced moving painting of the contrast betwixt the stone enterprise delineate too security of the Lord too the crumbling deceptions of the world.

Let's enquire God if we've built whatsoever business office of our lives on crumbling values too simulated philosophies (Colossians 2:8). 

He tin aid us rebuild on the enterprise Rock of Christ (Matthew 7:24-27). 
Rahab's story:Joshua chapters 2 & 6.

The Crumbling Walls of Jericho incorporate an of import message for us Crumbling Foundations
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The Crumbling Walls of Jericho incorporate an of import message for us Crumbling Foundations