Thursday, December 12, 2019

If My People

 exactly it contains some wonderful  principles for affecting our civilization If MY People

Most of us are concerned for our countries.

We oft listen 2 Chronicles 7:14 quoted:

"If my people, who are called past times my name, volition humble themselves in addition to pray in addition to seek my confront in addition to plow from their wicked ways, in addition to thus I volition listen from heaven, in addition to I volition forgive their sin in addition to volition heal their land."
It's of import to sympathise that this was a hope made to State of Israel at a item betoken inward history. It's non a guarantee that faithful Christians tin alter whatever nation. Some of the most dedicated Christians lives inward evil countries where they are heavily persecuted, yet faithful.(1)

But two Chronicles 7:14 nevertheless contains some wonderful principles for affecting our communities.

Did you lot notice: this poesy concentrates on what's incorrect amongst God's people, non the balance of the country. It calls us to:
  • humble ourselves
  • pray
  • seek God
  • turn from our wicked ways
Unfortunately, nosotros oft pass to a greater extent than fourth dimension complaining well-nigh what others are doing instead of examining ourselves in addition to repenting of our sins.

And nosotros are notorious for complaining, forgetting this commands:

Do everything without grumbling or arguing, thus that you lot may overstep blameless in addition to pure, 'children of God without error inward a warped in addition to crooked generation.'” Philippians 2:14-15

It's non that nosotros don't convey things to complain about. But God's people should hold upwards praying, non complaining.
(1) 2 Chronicles 7:14 was written to Old Testament Israel, a nation uniquely chosen past times God equally the nation into which the Messiah was born. 
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 exactly it contains some wonderful  principles for affecting our civilization If MY People
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 exactly it contains some wonderful  principles for affecting our civilization If MY People