Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Just I Dominion In Addition To They Broke It!

Have you lot always wondered why God seat the Forbidden Fruit Tree inwards the Garden of Eden Just One Rule too They Broke It!

Why did God seat a forbidden tree inwards the Garden of Eden?

Some people role this every bit an declaration against God's goodness. But it's truly only the opposite.

Think close it:
God gave Adam too Eve 1 dominion (Genesis 2:16-17). Just one.

They had a plethora of choices for delicious, nutritious fruit (Genesis 2:8-9) too solely 1 was forbidden. Just one.

God created Adam too Eve "very good" (Genesis 1:31) too had companionship amongst them (Genesis 3:8-9) too hence they had no argue for insecurities, concerns, or fears. None. Not one.

But God didn't desire robot dearest anymore than you lot or I would desire it.(1)

So He tested their faith.

And man, without a help inwards a perfect environment, amongst every argue to trust too obey his loving Father, sinned at the get-go opportunity, broke the 1 rule, too broke God's heart.

This number is non an declaration against God's goodness, but an declaration for it...especially because God at 1 time began to redeem mankind from his sins.(2)

(1) See "Why Did God Create Man With the Ability to Sin?"
(2) See "Things that Make Me Sad About Adam."

Have you lot always wondered why God seat the Forbidden Fruit Tree inwards the Garden of Eden Just One Rule too They Broke It!