Thursday, December 12, 2019

3 Divine Weapons For Violent Downwards Strongholds

 things for violent downwardly spiritual strongholds inward our lives three Divine Weapons for Tearing Down Strongholds

Do y'all know what it agency to convey a stronghold inward your life?

The discussion "stronghold" * inward 2 Corinthians 10:4 agency a strong-walled military machine fort or prison. Armies would purpose powerful weapons as well as well-equipped soldiers to destroy them.

But God's weapons are different. He in 1 trial destroyed such a stronghold (Jericho) past times blowing trumpets as well as marching peacefully (Joshua 6).

When people shape strongholds inward their lives, they imprison their thoughts alongside error, confusion, bitterness, pride, as well as imitation philosophies. Even Christians tin ship away construct such strongholds.

Human reasoning rarely prevails against strongholds.

But God has divine weapons for destroying strongholds including:

1. Love (1 Peter 4:8; James 5:20

2. The amount armor (Ephesians 6:10-18

Truth, Righteousness, Gospel Peace, Faith, Salvation, God's Word 

3. Prayer (Ephesians 6:18)

Whether nosotros uncovering strongholds inward our ain lives or inward the lives of others, let's hold upwardly careful to purpose God's divine weapons to destroy them.

* ochuróma

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 things for violent downwardly spiritual strongholds inward our lives three Divine Weapons for Tearing Down Strongholds
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 things for violent downwardly spiritual strongholds inward our lives three Divine Weapons for Tearing Down Strongholds