Wednesday, December 11, 2019

First Place

They followed worthless idols in addition to became worthless themselves First Place

We boot the bucket similar our idols.

Scripture says so.

"They followed worthless idols in addition to became worthless themselves." (Jeremiah 2:5)

In fact, Romans 3:11-12 says we're all worthless without Christ:

"There is no 1 who understands; at that topographic point is no 1 who seeks God. All select turned away, they select together boot the bucket worthless; at that topographic point is no 1 who does good, non fifty-fifty one.”

We boot the bucket shallow in addition to worldly when nosotros brand idols of things similar fame, fortune, pleasure, prestige, in addition to lust.

We tin likewise brand idols of skillful things: fitness, family, church, community, country, skillful deeds. Anything nosotros prioritize to a higher house God devalues us.

But giving Jesus commencement house inward our lives brings our lives value: nosotros boot the bucket valuable because He is valuable.

Is at that topographic point anyone or anything you've placed to a higher house Christ? If so, this is a skillful fourth dimension to repent in addition to proclaim alongside the Apostle Paul:
"I consider everything a loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord." Philippians 3:8

They followed worthless idols in addition to became worthless themselves First Place
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They followed worthless idols in addition to became worthless themselves First Place