Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Transformed Or Conformed?

minute devotion addresses the argue too invites us to examine our walk amongst Christ Transformed or Conformed?

After my conversion, I had an initial outburst of renewal. I devoured my Bible too Christian books, too eagerly sought Christian teaching, society too worship. 

Many novel believers sense this dramatic alter inward desires too worldview. But this fervency oftentimes wanes. 

Have you lot wondered why unopen to Christians mature too unopen to don't? 

Romans 12:1-2 says increase comes from viewing ourselves equally "living sacrifices" too letting God transform our minds.

"Therefore, I urge you, brothers too sisters, inward persuasion of God’s mercy, to offering your bodies equally a living sacrifice, holy too pleasing to God—this is your truthful too proper worship. Do non conform to the designing of this world, merely be transformed yesteryear the renewing of your mind. Then you lot volition hold out able to evidence too approve what God’s volition is—his good, pleasing too perfect will."

It's proficient to evaluate our increase periodically: 
  • Are our lives withal on God's altar? 
  • Are nosotros regularly transforming our minds amongst Biblical influences? (See Transforming our Minds)
minute devotion addresses the argue too invites us to examine our walk amongst Christ Transformed or Conformed?
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minute devotion addresses the argue too invites us to examine our walk amongst Christ Transformed or Conformed?