Thursday, December 12, 2019

Godly Counselors

Scripture warns us to essay counsel from the correct sort of people Godly Counselors

"The disciplined Christian volition survive really careful what sort of counsel he seeks from others. Counsel that contradicts the written Word is ungodly counsel. " Elisabeth Elliot 

There are many Christian "authorities" writing articles as well as doing personal counseling. Unfortunately, around lack Bible knowledge, maturity as well as experience, as well as others mix Biblical truth amongst fault as well as opinion. 

A recent Barna study showed that 83% of practicing Christians country the Bible is the source of truth, simply 67% of these same people believe enjoyment is our break ane life goal. And 40% believe whatsoever type of sexual behaviour betwixt consenting adults is acceptable. Barna calls this a "morality of self-fulfillment." 

It seems that many Christians have ceased to resist civilisation as well as cause got begun absorbing it.

And that is why it's critical that nosotros exclusively essay counsel from those who truly know God's Word as well as essay to alive it (Jeremiah 23:16-18). 
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Scripture warns us to essay counsel from the correct sort of people Godly Counselors
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Scripture warns us to essay counsel from the correct sort of people Godly Counselors