Sunday, December 22, 2019

God Placed You Lot Inwards My Life

Have yous taken fourth dimension to intend of ways God has designed your life for His purposes God Placed You inwards My Life

Celebrating birthdays is a agency of saying, "I'm glad yous were born. I'm glad God chose to brand yous business office of my life.”

No thing the circumstances of our birth, God knew us inwards our mother’s womb (Psalm 139). He planned our fourth dimension inwards history, our family, as well as nationality (Acts 17:24-28). He gave us private purposes (Ephesians 2:10).

Celebrating birthdays affirms God's choices.

When I celebrate my birthday each July, I remember the Lord’s love, patience, as well as discipline. I'm grateful for all the practiced things I've experienced as well as all the hardships (Hebrews 12:7-11). All of these possess got helped me grow (Romans 8:28).

And each July I celebrate around other birthday.

In July 2011, I started Bible Love Notes because I was struggling through a non bad sorrow inwards my life. I knew I wouldn’t last without daily immersion inwards God’s Word. 

I’m glad God chose all of yous who read Bible Love Notes to live business office of my life! 

Take a minute today to give thank yous God for your life experiences, for your physical birthday as well as your spiritual re-birthday!
To read almost a adult woman whose hard childhood prepared her for her mission work: Against the Odds, Mary Slessor of Africa
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Have yous taken fourth dimension to intend of ways God has designed your life for His purposes God Placed You inwards My Life