Wednesday, December 11, 2019

The Comfort Of The Psalms

 reasons that reading the Psalms tin forcefulness out produce goodness us The Comfort of the Psalms

Sometimes people inquire my advice when they're struggling through a hard spot, in addition to I oftentimes recommend reading the Psalms.
  • Has somebody slandered y'all in addition to damaged your reputation?
  • Has somebody returned y'all evil for good?
  • Is in that place somebody you've loved sacrificially who has turned on you?
  • Are y'all confused yesteryear the agency evil men triumph?
Sorrow, fear, anger, in addition to confusion are mutual emotions for Christians in addition to also for the Psalmists (e.g. Psalm 18:6; Psalm 35:11-16; Psalm 73).

Sometimes when reading a Psalm, I intermission in addition to breathe a sigh, realizing I'm non alone. Others accept felt the same agency I am feeling. And they took their feelings to their best Friend, the Lord.

The Psalms:

1. Assure us that God isn't offended yesteryear our honest questions in addition to feelings. 
See Taking our Emotions to the Lord.

2. Show us how to limited our feelings to God. 
See 10 Prayers from the Psalms.

3. Assure us others accept experienced like problems.
See Hang inward There.

4. Show us how to deed from discouragement to promise in addition to trust.
See Have I served God inward Vain? 

Are y'all struggling? I encourage y'all to read the Psalms daily.
Three of the Scriptures linked to the benefits are non from the Psalms, simply they translate what happens inward the Psalms.

 reasons that reading the Psalms tin forcefulness out produce goodness us The Comfort of the Psalms