Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Bank On It!

Some things that are losses for unbelievers are genuinely gains for Believers Bank on it!

When unsaved people give money, fourth dimension in addition to resources to charity, they may derive pleasance from knowing they've helped others, but inward a existent sense, they could say, "Their gain, my loss."

When a Christian gives money, fourth dimension in addition to resources to God's purposes, nosotros tin ship away honestly say, "Their gain, my gain." 

Why? Because God tells us that when nosotros sacrifice earthly treasure for godly purposes, nosotros attain heavenly treasure:

Proverbs 19:17: Whoever is sort to the miserable lends to the LORD, in addition to he volition vantage them for what they accept done.

Luke 6:38Give, in addition to you lot volition receive. Your gift volition furnish to you lot inward full--pressed down, shaken together to brand room for more, running over, in addition to poured into your lap. The total you lot give volition produce upward one's need heed the total you lot teach back.

Hebrews 6:10: God is non unjust; he volition non forget your function in addition to the dearest you lot accept shown him every bit you lot accept helped his people in addition to proceed to assistance them.

These are non promises for textile wealth. They are promises for something far greater. They are deposits inward our heavenly banking concern delineate of piece of job organization human relationship where the rewards are eternal (Matthew 6:19-20).

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Some things that are losses for unbelievers are genuinely gains for Believers Bank on it!