Thursday, December 12, 2019

Planks As Well As Holes

When my hubby developed a hole inwards his oculus Planks together with Holes

Several years ago, my hubby noticed distorted vision inwards 1 eye. 

A few weeks later, a surgeon inserted a gas bubble into the dorsum of his oculus where it volition press against a macular hole, causing it to grow dorsum together. 

The challenge: my hubby had to rest confront downward for a total week!

If my husband's alone persuasion of things came from that damaged eye, parts of the truthful motion-picture present would look blurry or distorted.

God gives us a similar "picture" of spiritual vision when he talks close people who convey planks inwards their eyes (Matthew 7:1-5). 

Planks of bitterness, arrogance, or selfishness brand truth look blurry or distorted. 

The answer: "face-down" humility together with prayer.

I'm grateful physicians tin halt restore my husband's physical vision* together with I'm grateful the Great Physician tin halt restore our spiritual vision.

Is bitterness, arrogance, or selfishness distorting your persuasion of life?
Humble yourself together with say God you lot require oculus surgery.
* I know God is the source of the physical healing too

When my hubby developed a hole inwards his oculus Planks together with Holes
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When my hubby developed a hole inwards his oculus Planks together with Holes