Thursday, December 12, 2019

Knowing How To Sit Down Still

My mom used to tell this when I was a kid Knowing How to Sit Still

"Sit Still!" 

My mom used to tell this when I was a child, squirming when I should accept been sitting, wanting to produce something earlier the correct time, refusing to endure placidity as well as listen.

How oftentimes I accept shown that same childishness amongst God, squirming inward His will, getting ahead of His plans, failing to destination as well as heed for His voice, specially when life seems hard or confusing.

"Be still, as well as know that I am God ... Cease striving as well as know that I am God." Psalm 46:10, NIV, NASB

As a kid sees no produce goodness practicing self-control past times sitting still, nosotros meet no produce goodness inward the hard circumstances inward our lives.

But Corrie Ten Boom, who obeyed God as well as suffered inward a concentration military camp for doing so, said this:
"When a prepare goes through a tunnel as well as it gets dark, y'all don’t throw away the ticket as well as fountain off. You sit down all the same as well as trust the engineer." 

Are y'all inward a tunnel correct now? Sit all the same as well as trust the Engineer! Proverbs 3:5-6
My mom used to tell this when I was a kid Knowing How to Sit Still
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My mom used to tell this when I was a kid Knowing How to Sit Still