Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Twisted Scripture

 examples of pop errors based on Twisted Scriptures Twisted Scripture

Be careful because Satan twists Scripture!

For example:
God: Love your vecino every bit yourself (Mark 12:31).  
Satan: You can't honey others until yous offset honey (i.e. esteem) yourself. 
Error: Loving others doesn't hateful admiring them. It way treating them every bit nosotros desire to endure treated (Matthew 7:12). In fact, we're commanded to deny ourselves as well as process others ameliorate than ourselves (Philippians 2:3-4; Matthew 16:24). 

When nosotros focus on God as well as others, nosotros convey a healthier self-esteem.

Another example:
God: Dwell on what's practiced (Philippians 4:8).
Satan: Dwell on what's practiced virtually yourself as well as you'll endure a ameliorate person.
Error: The role of this poetry is peace as well as gratefulness, non self-esteem (Philippians 4:9). We pop off ameliorate people yesteryear humbly admitting our sins, quest God's help, as well as beingness honest virtually our weaknesses (Romans 12:3; James 4:10). 

Satan tempted Eve yesteryear telling her she'd endure similar God, as well as selfishness has reigned inward the human see e'er since (Genesis 3:5). 

Let's seek to award God offset as well as inaugural as well as beware of selfish interpretations of Scripture (Matthew 6:33). 
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 examples of pop errors based on Twisted Scriptures Twisted Scripture
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 examples of pop errors based on Twisted Scriptures Twisted Scripture