Wednesday, December 11, 2019

How's That Working For You?

When people endeavour to justify foolish deportment How's That Working For You?

When people endeavour to justify foolish behavior, a well-known tv counselor asks them, "How's that working for you?"

It's a expert enquiry inward many ways.

However, it's non a Biblical question.

Just because a deportment "works for us" - makes us happy, fits our lifestyle, seems to drive no impairment - doesn't hateful it's right.

The mass of Judges is nearly a fourth dimension - non dissimilar our ain - when people "did every bit they saw fit" - "did what was correct inward their ain eyes" - did what worked for them (Judges 17:6).

Modern civilisation defies, challenges in addition to fifty-fifty mocks Biblical moral values. 

Each human judges his actions yesteryear what industrial plant for him, fifty-fifty when it's damaging his soul. 

But Christians are called to a different standard. 

We estimate all things yesteryear Scripture. 

We try to exercise what is correct inward God's eyes, non our own.

We trust inward the Lord's wisdom, non our ain (Proverbs 3:5-6).

When people endeavour to justify foolish deportment How's That Working For You?
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When people endeavour to justify foolish deportment How's That Working For You?