Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Blaming God

It is absolutely idiotic to blame God for evil too suffering Blaming God

I posted a video of a beautiful cloud formation on Bible Love Notes' Facebook page amongst this caption, "Isn't God's creation beautiful... I imagine God smiles when He sees us enjoying it." 

Someone commented, "Does he grinning when children starve to boot the bucket too?"*

If someone blamed me for starving children, I'd acknowledge I'm a descendant of Adam who brought sin into our world, too hence I'm indirectly responsible.

But it's extremely ironic to blame God.

Mankind messed upward God's perfect world, too we've been blaming Him for it always since. Despite our mockery, He hasn't given upward on us. He withal offers honey too eternal life.

And He wants everyone to know Him (1 Timothy 2:3-6).

Blaming God makes people experience superior too blinds them to their sins. But when nosotros run purpose of God's forever family, nosotros get got responsibleness for our sins.

And our God, who is continually mocked too blamed, took our punishment! Now that's the hardest of all truths to grasp!
* I deleted this comment. There are times when you lot know the somebody is non opened upward plenty to listen an answer. But I pray this somebody 1 24-hour interval sees his mistake too turns to the Lord.

It is absolutely idiotic to blame God for evil too suffering Blaming God