Wednesday, December 11, 2019

God Is Faithful In Addition To Merely To Forgive

minute devotion volition encourage us to repent God is Faithful together with Just to Forgive

It's incredible that God forgives us when nosotros honestly confess our sins together with plough from them. Other religions base of operations forgiveness on plant or punishments, but Scripture says:

"If nosotros confess our sins, he is faithful together with simply together with volition forgive us our sins together with purify us from all unrighteousness." 1 John 1:9 

Why therefore is it therefore difficult for us to honestly repent of sin each day?

Have nosotros forgotten the consequences for "covering" our sins:
"If I had cherished sin inward my heart, the Lord would non accept listened; but God has sure listened together with has heard my prayer... If nosotros claim nosotros accept non sinned, nosotros brand [God] out to move a liar together with his discussion is non inward us. Psalm 66:18-19, 1 John 1:10

We come upwards from a long work of blame-shifters together with excusers: Adam blamed Eve, Eve blamed the serpent, Cain excused his sin, etc.

But we're novel creations inward Christ, honey friends, therefore let's transcend along curt accounts together with daily confess our sins. 

minute devotion volition encourage us to repent God is Faithful together with Just to Forgive