Tuesday, December 31, 2019

God's Mercy Is Beyond Comprehension

We volition never fully empathize this matter that God does God's Mercy is Beyond Comprehension

Have you lot always idea of the terrible sin Adam together with Eve committed? 

Our loving Father walked together with talked alongside them every day, exactly they chose to believe the lies of the serpent.

They doubted God's command, damaged the perfect footing He'd created for them, together with rejected His generous love. 

He had every correct to destroy mankind, exactly His mercy prevailed.

The Old Testament is the storey of God preparing mankind for our redemption. In every book, God whispers clues of His plan, giving an unfolding revelation of Jesus, the coming Deliverer. 

And the really showtime clue comes when God addresses the ophidian afterward the Fall:
"And I volition drive hostility betwixt you lot together with the woman, together with betwixt your offspring together with her offspring. He volition smasher your head, together with you lot volition smasher his heel." Genesis 3:15

Whispered inside this poetry is the hope that Satan together with his demon offspring would locomote at odds alongside Eve together with her offspring. But the most of import offspring of woman, Jesus Christ, would vanquish Satan's head--a fatal wound.

While the sense of savour of the forbidden fruit was withal on Adam together with Eve's lips, God was already whispering nigh His gracious agency to salve them.

And spell nosotros are yet sinners, God reveals His mercy to us (Romans 5:8)!

God's honey surpasses our noesis (Ephesians 3:19).
copyright 2013, Gail Burton Purath, Bite Size Bible Study 

To create a brusk Bible written report on this devotion, banking concern jibe out today's Bite Size Bible Study

We volition never fully empathize this matter that God does God's Mercy is Beyond Comprehension

Monday, December 30, 2019

God's Wisdom Is To A Greater Extent Than Desirable Than Wealth

t imagine what it would hold upwards similar to accept  God's Wisdom is More Desirable Than Wealth
Records present that out of the 7.5 billion people inwards the world, around 2000 are billionaires.* Most of the globe can’t imagine what it would hold upwards similar to accept unlimited funds, but most of us would similar to notice out.

I idea most this when I read Psalm 19 the other day. The Psalmist says God’s perfect commands are to a greater extent than desirable than fine gold.

1. Revive the soul
2. Make us wise
3. Bring joy to the heart
4. Give us insight
5. Warn us of harm
I don’t know most you, but those are riches I require daily. And the best business office is the means nosotros hit them. Instead of beingness a genius, a astute businessman, or celebrity, nosotros but opened upwards up God's majority of Truth in addition to use its principles to our lives.

God's wisdom is available inwards unlimited amounts!

"I rejoice inwards next your statutes equally ane rejoices inwards groovy riches." Psalm 119:14
* 2017 statistics

Sunday, December 29, 2019

Carefully Stitching Scriptures Together

Paul was a tentmaker as well as knowing that makes this passage fifty-fifty richer Carefully Stitching Scriptures Together

Small children can't cutting straight. Their piffling fingers don't possess got the dexterity to correctly grip a brace of scissors.

Likewise, novel Christians possess got difficulty cutting direct through truth as well as error. They don't possess got the spiritual dexterity needed.

Unfortunately, roughly Christians never gain that dexterity:

“I could non address you lot equally people who alive yesteryear the Spirit only equally people who are yet worldly--mere infants inward Christ.” 1 Corinthians 3:1-15

But 2 Timothy 2:15 has the solution:
“Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth non to endure ashamed, rightly dividing the give-and-take of truth.” 

The Greek word for “rightly dividing” agency cutting straight. Some advise Paul used this term because he was a tent-maker as well as knew the importance of cutting direct pieces as well as plumbing equipment them together inward proper order. 

Maturity inward Christ requires spiritual dexterity to accurately cutting through truth as well as error, plumbing equipment God's words together correctly, seeing the Bible equally a whole, non crooked fragments taken out of context.

Let's cutting straight!

Paul was a tentmaker as well as knowing that makes this passage fifty-fifty richer Carefully Stitching Scriptures Together

Saturday, December 28, 2019

Sexual Sin Is Serious

Be careful how to mean value as well as deed most sexual sin Sexual Sin Is Serious
God's commands most sexual purity are loving. They protect us as well as guide us into relationships designed for our greatest good.

Recently I read most a teen who'd signed a pledge of purity at her Christian school. When she got pregnant, she didn't experience her "mistake" should touching on her privileges at the school.(1)

Christ gave upwards His privileges equally God as well as died a criminal's expiry to pay for sins (Philippians 2:8; Hebrews 12:2).

Sins aren't but "mistakes," as well as sexual sins are serious:

“Flee from sexual immorality. All other sins a someone commits are exterior the body, but whoever sins sexually, sins against their ain body. 19 Do you lot non know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit… 20 you lot were bought at a price. Therefore award God amongst your bodies.” 1 Corinthians 6:9-20 

When Romans 1:18-32 describes the depravity of mankind, sexual sins play a prominent role. 

God forgives, but He expects us to humbly admit sins for what they are as well as demo genuine sorrow (James 4:8-10; 1 John 1:8-10). 

(1) See 5 Characteristics of False Repentance as well as 6 Characteristics of Sincere Repentance See also: Sexual Purity Matters to God, 2 Steps to Sexual Sin, as well as What Scripture Says About Sex Outside of Marriage

Be careful how to mean value as well as deed most sexual sin Sexual Sin Is Serious

Friday, December 27, 2019

Avoiding A Childish Persuasion Of Judging

Young children alone run into things from their perspective Avoiding a Childish View of Judging

Young children alone run into things from their perspective. They can’t intend logically or systematically until they mature. (source)

If nosotros aren’t deliberate nigh studying Scripture, we’ll stay "mere infants inward Christ" amongst a childish perspective of truth (1 Corinthians 3:1).

For example, it's a pop mistake to claim that Christians are non supposed to gauge anything or anyone.

This mistake results from the childish job of taking a unmarried phrase out of context as well as ignoring the residuum of Scripture. 

It's neither logical nor systematic. But most important: it's non Biblical.

In context, “Judge not” (Matthew 7:1), doesn't say us non to judge. It tells us non to gauge hypocritically.

Multiple Scriptures say us when, what, how, as well as who to judge. Yes, despite the pop sentiment to the contrary, nosotros are fifty-fifty called to gauge people according to Biblical guidelines. 

Let's non survive misled past times a childish sentiment of judgement. Let's correctly grip God's Word (2 Timothy 2:15). See "How, Who, as well as What to Judge."

I locomote into this mistake then often, that I've written a whole serial on this subject: source)

If nosotros aren’t deliberate nigh studying Scripture, we’ll stay "mere infants inward Christ" amongst a childish perspective of truth (1 Corinthians 3:1).

For example, it's a pop mistake to claim that Christians are non supposed to gauge anything or anyone.

This mistake results from the childish job of taking a unmarried phrase out of context as well as ignoring the residuum of Scripture. 

It's neither logical nor systematic. But most important: it's non Biblical.

In context, “Judge not” (Matthew 7:1), doesn't say us non to judge. It tells us non to gauge hypocritically.

Multiple Scriptures say us when, what, how, as well as who to judge. Yes, despite the pop sentiment to the contrary, nosotros are fifty-fifty called to gauge people according to Biblical guidelines. 

Let's non survive misled past times a childish sentiment of judgement. Let's correctly grip God's Word (2 Timothy 2:15). See "Misunderstandings About Judgement.
To run into another Scriptures that are oftentimes interpreted from a childish perspective, run into source)

If nosotros aren’t deliberate nigh studying Scripture, we’ll stay "mere infants inward Christ" amongst a childish perspective of truth (1 Corinthians 3:1).

For example, it's a pop mistake to claim that Christians are non supposed to gauge anything or anyone.

This mistake results from the childish job of taking a unmarried phrase out of context as well as ignoring the residuum of Scripture. 

It's neither logical nor systematic. But most important: it's non Biblical.

In context, “Judge not” (Matthew 7:1), doesn't say us non to judge. It tells us non to gauge hypocritically.

Multiple Scriptures say us when, what, how, as well as who to judge. Yes, despite the pop sentiment to the contrary, nosotros are fifty-fifty called to gauge people according to Biblical guidelines. 

Let's non survive misled past times a childish sentiment of judgement. Let's correctly grip God's Word (2 Timothy 2:15). See "Twisted Scriptures

Young children alone run into things from their perspective Avoiding a Childish View of Judging

Thursday, December 26, 2019

Don't Sit Down Inwards The Prison Theatre Jail Cellphone Of Self-Pity

Recently a adult woman emailed to nation me I was a  Don't Sit inwards the Prison Cell of Self-Pity
Self-pity is a prison theater cell.

Recently a adult woman emailed to nation me I was a "fraud" together with my devotion “Open Wide Your Mouth” was a lie.

In rude, angry, bitter words she listed her problems, insisting God doesn't answer prayer.

I wrote back, told her I was sad close her difficulties, assured her God wanted to help, together with told her I’d pray for her. I every bit good told her she’d require to hand upwardly her anger together with bitterness to brand room for God's salvation together with comfort. 

When she replied amongst angry profanity, I realized she was quite committed to staying inwards her prison theater prison cellular telephone of self-pity.

At times, I’ve chosen that prison theater cellular telephone myself.

But it’s non mistreatment or difficulty that puts us there.

Cells of self-pity are locked from the inside. 

The telephone substitution is e'er available together with bears this inscription: "Whoever wants to hold upwardly my disciple must deny themselves together with stimulate got upwardly their cross daily together with follow me" (Luke 9:23).

Self-pity is self-imprisonment. Let's non instruct there!
Today's Bite Size Bible Study on this devotion volition assistance you lot position the motility together with effects of self-pity together with thence you lot tin avoid it.  
Recently a adult woman emailed to nation me I was a  Don't Sit inwards the Prison Cell of Self-Pity

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Did God Actually Enjoin That Most Hair? Yes!

fterward I decided to produce some inquiry on pilus Did God Really Say That About Hair? Yes!
Recently I had my pilus cut, together with afterward I decided to produce some inquiry on hair.

I discovered that:
  1. 90% of the pilus on our heads is growing; 10% is resting.
  2. We average 100,000 hairs on our head, to a greater extent than or less chiliad per foursquare inch of scalp.
  3. Blondes may non bring to a greater extent than fun, simply natural blondes bring to a greater extent than pilus than people alongside other colors.
  4. Hair grows faster than whatever other trunk tissue, except os marrow.
  5. The average life of a pilus is 4-7 years.
Hair is pretty amazing, simply the most amazing fact most pilus is the Scripture passage that talks most pilus inwards reckon to God's cognition together with honey for us: 

“Are non ii sparrows sold for a penny? Yet non i of them volition autumn to the dry reason exterior your Father’s care. And fifty-fifty the really hairs of your caput are all numbered. So don’t move afraid; y'all are worth to a greater extent than than many sparrows.” Matthew 10:29-31

Imagine a God who knows us that intimately!
copyright 2012, Gail Burton Purath
Hair Facts

Have y'all read most the fourth dimension a dermatologist told me I mightiness lose all of my hair? Read it HERE.
fterward I decided to produce some inquiry on pilus Did God Really Say That About Hair? Yes!

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

7 Truths From I John

Genuine companionship amongst Christ requires walking inwards the low-cal of  seven Truths From 1 John
One of John's favorite words appears to hold upwardly "truth." And since his writing is inspired, nosotros know truth is also 1 of God's favorite words.

1. 1 John 1:6 
Genuine companionship amongst Christ requires walking inwards the low-cal of truth.

2. 1 John 1:8 
Those who deny or excuse their sins can't walk inwards truth.

3. 1 John 2:4 
Those who claim to know Christ but disobey His commands convey no truth inwards their souls.

4. 1 John 2:7-11  in addition to 1 John 3:18-19
Those who walk inwards truth bear witness it yesteryear loving others amongst actions, non but amongst words.

5. 1 John 2:20-21 
Those who convey God’s Spirit know the divergence betwixt truth in addition to lies.

6. 1 John 4:6 
Those who reject to head to God's truth are deceived yesteryear a spirit of falsehood.

7. 1 John 5:6 
The Spirit of truth confirms Christ's testimony to us. 

Truth is something nosotros walk, talk, think, know, in addition to share. Let's enquire God to brand "truth" 1 of our favorite words too.
A proficient comparing for this devotion is 6 Types of Liars Identified inwards 1 John.
Genuine companionship amongst Christ requires walking inwards the low-cal of  seven Truths From 1 John

Monday, December 23, 2019

The Biblical Sentiment Of Abortion

t cite every possible method of murder The Biblical View of Abortion
I’ve heard folks nation abortion isn’t mentioned inwards Scripture.

True enough. 

God doesn’t cite every possible method of murder. But He commands us non to murder (Exodus 20:13; Psalm 106:37-38).

Sadly, abortion has 3 victims – mother, father, as well as child.

Moms are particularly vulnerable. Abortion kills their kid as well as wounds something inwards their mother’s heart.

Some crusade to ignore it, simply it eventually catches upwards amongst them. The solely women who don’t experience grief are those who convey seared their consciences. 

Normally, the sin of abortion follows the sin of gender activity exterior of marriage. We humans are skillful at trying to solve 1 sin past times committing another.

No, God doesn’t specifically cite abortion inwards Scripture, simply it’s clear from His design, His purposes, His values, as well as His grapheme that it’s wrong. It non solely kills an innocent child; it's destructive to the parents' souls.

See "What Scripture Says About Abortion" for specific Scriptures.

Note: If you’ve had an abortion, I encourage y'all to seek godly counsel as well as run through the exceed away of your kid as well as the feeling of exceed away inwards your soul. God thoroughly forgives as well as restores, simply most women postulate mortal who understands to aid them through that procedure Biblically. These articles mightiness hold upwards a skillful start:
Biblical Encouragement for Women Healing from Abortion
Healing Abortion’s Guilt
Fathers Regret Abortion
t cite every possible method of murder The Biblical View of Abortion

Sunday, December 22, 2019

God Placed You Lot Inwards My Life

Have yous taken fourth dimension to intend of ways God has designed your life for His purposes God Placed You inwards My Life

Celebrating birthdays is a agency of saying, "I'm glad yous were born. I'm glad God chose to brand yous business office of my life.”

No thing the circumstances of our birth, God knew us inwards our mother’s womb (Psalm 139). He planned our fourth dimension inwards history, our family, as well as nationality (Acts 17:24-28). He gave us private purposes (Ephesians 2:10).

Celebrating birthdays affirms God's choices.

When I celebrate my birthday each July, I remember the Lord’s love, patience, as well as discipline. I'm grateful for all the practiced things I've experienced as well as all the hardships (Hebrews 12:7-11). All of these possess got helped me grow (Romans 8:28).

And each July I celebrate around other birthday.

In July 2011, I started Bible Love Notes because I was struggling through a non bad sorrow inwards my life. I knew I wouldn’t last without daily immersion inwards God’s Word. 

I’m glad God chose all of yous who read Bible Love Notes to live business office of my life! 

Take a minute today to give thank yous God for your life experiences, for your physical birthday as well as your spiritual re-birthday!
To read almost a adult woman whose hard childhood prepared her for her mission work: Against the Odds, Mary Slessor of Africa
Why non add together around to a greater extent than of God's Word to your schedule past times having a 1-minute devotion delivered to your electronic mail each weekday. Sign upward for a costless subscription to Bible Love Notes as well as become a costless e-booklet. Find out to a greater extent than HERE.

Have yous taken fourth dimension to intend of ways God has designed your life for His purposes God Placed You inwards My Life

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Hypocrisy, Hatred, Together With Censorship

Many Christians are buckling nether the pressure level of our civilization because they never understo Hypocrisy, Hatred, too Censorship

Some people estimate too abhor Christians because they claim Christians are judgmental too hateful. 

In the shout out of tolerance, about people insist Christian beliefs shouldn't endure tolerated.  

Some people claim Christians should endure silenced inwards guild to hold liberty of speech.

Everyday Christians are stereotyped because a few deranged people calling themselves Christians commit abhor crimes.

Most genuine believers portion God's truth inwards love.

But people withal abhor us (John 15:18-19). 

Many professing Christians are buckling nether the pressure level too rejecting God's values. But genuine believers are standing theatre (Matthew 24:12-13).

If you lot are faithfully sharing God's truth alongside our lost too dying culture, you lot volition seat alongside Jeremiah 20:8-9:

“The give-and-take of the LORD has brought me insult too reproach all twenty-four hours long. But if I say, 'I volition non cite his give-and-take or beak anymore inwards his name,' his give-and-take is inwards my pump similar a fire… I am weary of belongings it in; indeed, I cannot.”  

Stand firm, honey Christians. 

To produce a curt Bible written report on this devotion, banking concern jibe out today's Bite Size Bible Study.
For to a greater extent than encouragement, read these 1-minute devotions:
Standing Firm too Reaching Out
Who Do You Say That I Am?
Is Jesus Likable?

Many Christians are buckling nether the pressure level of our civilization because they never understo Hypocrisy, Hatred, too Censorship

Friday, December 20, 2019

Are Yous A Signed Or Unsigned Masterpiece?

Are You a Signed or Unsigned Masterpiece link  Are You a Signed or Unsigned Masterpiece?

This unsigned chalk on vellum portrait is called "La Bella Principessa.” Some believe it's a 16th-century hold upward of Leonardo DaVinci. 

The possessor purchased it equally a 19th-century portrait yesteryear an unknown artist, merely experts believe the artist, similar DaVinci, was a left-hander amongst a meticulous anatomic understanding.

In addition, a fingerprint left when the creative somebody blended the paints resembles a fingerprint from a signed DaVinci painting. 

Critics are all the same divided most its authenticity, too an fine art forger is trying to claim it equally his work.

On the other hand, at that spot is no enquiry most our authenticity.  When nosotros belong to Christ, He affirms that we're genuine, signed masterpieces (2 Corinthians 1:21-22). The to a greater extent than nosotros let our Master to hold upward out his fingerprints on us, the to a greater extent than valuable nosotros become!

"For nosotros are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew inwards Christ Jesus, hence nosotros tin create the goodness things he planned for us long ago." Ephesians 2:10

copyright 2012, Gail Burton Purath 
Source: A Closer Look at La Bella Principessa 

Are You a Signed or Unsigned Masterpiece link  Are You a Signed or Unsigned Masterpiece?
Bible Love Notes

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Did Jesus Actually Say That Virtually A Camel Together With A Needle?

Did God Really Say that most a camel too a needle Did Jesus Really Say that most a camel too a needle?
A camel going through the optic of a needle?? Did God actually tell that?

“Indeed, it is easier for a camel to larn through the optic of a needle than for individual who is rich to come inwards the kingdom of God.” Those who heard this asked, “Who too thence tin last saved?” Jesus replied, “What is impossible amongst human being is possible amongst God.” Luke 18:25-27

Jesus used this hyperbole(1) to instruct us:

1. Wealth is non a sign of righteousness. This refutes the didactics of every prosperity instructor who claims God wants us rich (Philippians 4:11; James 2:5).

2. Wealth is a pop too deadly faux god (Matthew 6:24).

3. It’s impossible to larn a camel through the optic of a needle, too it’s impossible for a human being to salvage himself (Romans 8:3).

Thank you, Jesus, that you lot tin produce what is impossible for us!
(1) Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 hyperbole is a arguing non meant to last taken literally, only to brand a point. Some people get got theorized that Jesus was actually talking most a camel going through a pocket-size urban kernel gate, only most Bible scholars refute this suggestion. See 4 Guidelines for Recognizing Figurative Language inwards Scripture
Did God Really Say that most a camel too a needle Did Jesus Really Say that most a camel too a needle?

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Keeping Spiritually Fit

Some of the same principles for staying physically jibe utilize to staying spiritually jibe Keeping Spiritually Fit

To maximize our health, nosotros involve a salubrious diet together with regular exercise. These trim our adventure of pump disease, together with keep us from growing weak together with flabby.

The same is truthful for our spirits.

To rest spiritually fit, nosotros involve a salubrious diet alongside large daily servings of God’s Word:

"Man shall non alive on breadstuff alone, only on every discussion that comes from the oral cavity of God." Matthew 4:4

We too involve regular practise inward applying Biblical principles:

"For physical grooming is of approximately value, only godliness has value for all things, belongings hope for both the introduce life together with the life to come." 1 Timothy 4:8

These lower our adventure of spiritual pump disease.

“Therefore, I urge you, brothers together with sisters, inward sentiment of God’s mercy, to offering your bodies every bit a living sacrifice…be transformed yesteryear the renewing of your mind. Then you lot volition survive able to examination together with approve what God’s volition is—his good, pleasing together with perfect will.” Romans 12:1-2

Some of the same principles for staying physically jibe utilize to staying spiritually jibe Keeping Spiritually Fit
Why non add together approximately to a greater extent than of God's Word to your schedule yesteryear having a 1-minute devotion delivered to your e-mail each weekday. Sign upwardly for a gratuitous subscription to Bible Love Notes together with larn a gratuitous e-booklet. Find out to a greater extent than HERE.

Some of the same principles for staying physically jibe utilize to staying spiritually jibe Keeping Spiritually Fit

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

5 Things To Create When Individual Mistreats You

The Bible gives us wisdom for handling mistreatment five Things To Do When Someone Mistreats You

If someone mistreats you, what should y'all do?

1. Make certain y'all induce got your facts straight. In the oestrus of the moment, it's tardily to misunderstand a province of affairs (Proverbs 18:13).
See Cookie Thieves

2. Keep calm together with pray. Don’t produce anything until you’ve given your anxious thoughts to the Lord (Philippians 4:6-7).
See Attitude Adjustment

3. Remember that y'all sometimes produce things unintentionally that wound others. Perhaps that's what happened. Give the other mortal unopen to grace (Matthew 5:5; Ephesians 4:2).
See Inherit

4. Respond inwards the agency y'all would desire others to response to y'all (Matthew 7:12).
See 7 Ways to Walk inwards the Opposite Spirit

5. Apologize to your offender if y'all didn't become your facts straight off or responded angrily fifty-fifty if they were to a greater extent than incorrect than y'all (James 5:16).
See Make No Mistake

The twenty-four hr menses I wrote this devotion, God gave me chance to utilise it to my life. I'm together with thus grateful for His Word! 
Note: After getting all of the facts together with responding inwards grace without anger, nosotros may yet require to produce something to railroad train things straight off or to adjust/limit our human relationship amongst the other person. But nosotros should brand certain nosotros induce got acted carefully together with fairly ourselves.
The Bible gives us wisdom for handling mistreatment five Things To Do When Someone Mistreats You
Why non add together unopen to to a greater extent than of God's Word to your schedule past times having a 1-minute devotion delivered to your electronic mail each weekday. Sign upwardly for a costless subscription to Bible Love Notes together with become a costless e-booklet. Find out to a greater extent than HERE.

The Bible gives us wisdom for handling mistreatment five Things To Do When Someone Mistreats You

Monday, December 16, 2019

Did Jesus Actually Say That? Well, Slap My Face!

When Jesus said nosotros should offering the other cheek to live on slapped Did Jesus Really Say That? Well, Slap My Face!

To preclude excessive punishments, the Old Testament required an "eye for an eye."

Jesus changed that law:(1)

"You get got heard the police that says the penalisation must fit the injury...But I say, create non resist an evil person! If someone slaps y'all on the correct cheek, offering the other cheek also. If y'all are sued inwards courtroom as well as your shirt is taken from you, give your coat, too." Matthew 5:38-48

Jesus was condemning personal revenge. He wants us to furnish expert for evil as well as pray for our enemies (Matthew 7:12; Romans 12:19; Romans 12:21; Matthew 5:44).

He was not telling us to ignore or comprehend injustice.

Christians must stand upward against injustice (Psalm 82:4; Proverbs 24:11).

Without vengeance, nosotros tin also address our ain mistreatment. Jesus as well as Paul did (John 18:22-23; Acts 16:35-37; Acts 23:1-11; Acts 22:25).

Sometimes, however, nosotros must surrender our rights for the sake of the gospel as well as the expert of others (1 Corinthians 6:6-7; Philippians 2:3-4).  

Christ suffered dandy injustice for our sake. He gives us forcefulness to deport it for His sake (Philippians 4:13).
(1) Jesus didn’t abolish "the police as well as the prophets" -Matthew 5:17. He fulfilled the police as well as took us out from nether it's command (Romans 6:14;Galatians 3:11).

Do a brusque Bible written report on this devotion: Bite Size Bible Study.

When Jesus said nosotros should offering the other cheek to live on slapped Did Jesus Really Say That? Well, Slap My Face!
Why non add together some to a greater extent than of God's Word to your schedule past times having a 1-minute devotion delivered to your e-mail each weekday. Sign upward for a gratuitous subscription to Bible Love Notes as well as larn a gratuitous e-booklet. Find out to a greater extent than HERE.

When Jesus said nosotros should offering the other cheek to live on slapped Did Jesus Really Say That? Well, Slap My Face!

Sunday, December 15, 2019

The Bible Is Worth The Risk

Every nighttime they secretly dig upwards the jolt buried inward their yard together with trace out the forbidden b The Bible is Worth the Risk
Every nighttime they secretly dig upwards the jolt buried inward their yard together with trace out the forbidden mass to read. They'll live on killed if anyone inward their North Korean hamlet finds out. Many induce got suffered for this book, only that doesn't halt them.

I in all likelihood induce got xxx Bibles inward my habitation inward a diverseness of translations—large print, pocket-size, loose-leaf, leather, paperback, red-letter, study, devotional, journaling, together with parallel. 

I read my Bible inward populace places amongst no fear. 

Every day, I induce got this wonderful mass for granted. 

But today, my pump is filled amongst gratitude for my Bible together with my freedom. And my prayers are amongst my North Korean brothers together with sisters who know amend than I produce that “man does non alive on breadstuff alone, only on every discussion that comes from the oral fissure of God” (Matthew 4:4).

Take around fourth dimension today to read your Bible together with give thank you lot God for it.
To read most around other Christian who learned the value of God's Word read these 2 1-minute devotions:
Worth an Arm or Leg
5 Ways to "Hide" God's Word
For to a greater extent than information most Korean Bible hiders, read here: Open Doors.

Every nighttime they secretly dig upwards the jolt buried inward their yard together with trace out the forbidden b The Bible is Worth the Risk

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Trophy Married Adult Woman Christians

 attractive women who espouse older wealthy men Trophy Wife Christians

We’ve all heard of “trophy wives” –young, attractive women who espouse older wealthy men. Sometimes they may hold upward truly inwards love. But around of the time, the adult woman loves her husband's coin in addition to he loves the condition she gives him.

So what’s my point?

I recall nosotros sometimes recall of ourselves equally God’s trophy wives – nosotros dear the blessings He bestows on us in addition to forget the pregnant of love. That’s why hence many "faith movements" insist God owes us wellness in addition to prosperity. That’s why roughly people autumn away when they don't choke what they desire from God.

I’ve drifted into this mentality at times, thinking God owes me smoothen sailing.

But genuine faith movements are made upward of people insisting God has already given us to a greater extent than than nosotros deserve.

As the bride of Christ (2 Corinthians 11:21), nosotros dear God for Who He is in addition to what He has already done for us on the cross, non for earthly blessings (1 John 3:1).
For to a greater extent than on the belief that God promises earthly wellness in addition to wealth:
Heavenly Promises versus Earthly Promises
Wealth in addition to Faith

 attractive women who espouse older wealthy men Trophy Wife Christians

Friday, December 13, 2019

Christian Trunk Snatchers - Jude 1:22-23

Do y'all know that Scripture commands us to endure  Christian Body Snatchers - Jude 1:22-23
Did y'all know Christians are called to endure “body snatchers”? 

Not the variety constitute inwards sci-fi films, but the variety constitute inwards Jude 1:22-23:

“You must exhibit mercy to those whose organized religious belief is wavering. Rescue others past times snatching them from the flames of judgment. Show mercy to even as well as therefore others, but create as well as therefore amongst peachy caution, hating the sins that contaminate their lives.”

People are lost, but they are non merely lost, they are headed for the flames of hell.

Our civilization has provided a wide, well-paved highway of sin that is slow to go as well as sum of approbation companionship who are to a greater extent than than happy to selection upward hitch-hikers (Matthew 7:13)

And that highway leads direct into the flames of eternal fire. (Narrow Road Scenery)

We who are on the narrow path are non supposed to plow a blind oculus to those on this highway, specially if they telephone telephone themselves believers but alive similar atheists. (Living Like Atheists)

We are called to endure trunk snatchers inwards the best feel of the word.

Let’s commencement snatching.

Do y'all know that Scripture commands us to endure  Christian Body Snatchers - Jude 1:22-23

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Don't Intend The Best Of Yourself, Dearest Christian

s a danger inwards thinking the best of ourselves Don't Think The Best of Yourself, Dear Christian

Should nosotros every bit Christians intend the best of ourselves?

Not if nosotros follow the Apostle Paul’s example.(1) 

“Here is a trustworthy maxim that deserves amount acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the footing to relieve sinners--of whom I am the worst.” Paul, 1 Timothy 1:15

Paul understood he was a hopeless sinner earlier He followed Christ, together with he knew he was all the same capable of sin:

“Although I desire to create good, evil is correct at that spot amongst me.” Romans 7:21

Paul knew staying faithful demanded deliberate effort:

"Forgetting what is behind together with straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal." Philippians 3:13-14

These things are truthful for all of us.

We all involve to guard against pride together with create what Paul said inwards Philippians 2:12-13:

"Continue to operate out your salvation amongst fearfulness together with trembling [seriously, deliberately], for it is God who plant inwards y'all to volition together with to human activeness inwards fellowship to fulfill his practiced purpose."

Being faithful requires a sober sentiment of ourselves (Romans 12:3).

(1) Paul oftentimes urged Christians to follow practiced examples (Philippians 3:17).

You powerfulness relish these 1-minute devotions which address this dependent champaign from dissimilar perspectives:
Our Part together with God's Part 
Are Christians Saints or Sinners?

s a danger inwards thinking the best of ourselves Don't Think The Best of Yourself, Dear Christian

Bible Love Notes

A Foolish Contradiction?

 Do non respond a fool according to his folly H5N1 Foolish Contradiction?

Have you lot always wondered virtually Proverbs 26:4-5?

"4 Do non respond a fool according to his folly, or you lot yourself volition locomote only similar him. 5 Answer a fool according to his folly, or he volition locomote wise inward his ain eyes."

This sounds contradictory, but it's not.

Some fools are filled amongst anger as well as mockery. They're non interested inward truth. We can't holler into their self-deception without becoming angry as well as foolish ourselves. 

Other times, correcting foolishness is absolutely essential.

Here's 4 things I'm learning:

1. Sometimes it's non my battle. Scripture says nosotros should locomote prepared to respond everyone but it doesn't nation nosotros should respond everyone (Colossians 4:6; 2 Timothy 2:23-24). v.4

2. Sometimes it is my battle. I must respond, whether I intend they'll psyche or non (Ezekiel 2). v.5

3. Sometimes it's non skilful timing. I should await for a person's anger to subside as well as then they tin flame psyche to argue (Proverbs 27:14). v.4 & v.5

4. If I've repeatedly warned someone without success, it mightiness locomote fourth dimension to utilize poesy 4 (Titus 3:10). 

Read to a greater extent than virtually these 2 verses at Got Questions

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 Do non respond a fool according to his folly H5N1 Foolish Contradiction?
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Image: Billy Frank Alexander

 Do non respond a fool according to his folly H5N1 Foolish Contradiction?