Friday, November 1, 2019

God Is Non Similar Us

Modern human may non brand idols of forest together with rock God is Not Like Us

Idolatry has ever been popular. 

Uncivilized human sculpted gods from forest together with stone. Now nosotros sculpt gods inwards our minds - gods who are easier to sympathize together with less offensive to our modern culture. 

These gods approve popular sins, worldly values together with situational ethics. They never post anyone to Hell.

Like gods of forest together with stone, they're express past times the knowledge, understanding, together with perspective of the men who practice them. 

Psalm 50:16-21 records God's reply to people who customize truth together with practice gods inwards their ain image:

“What correct cause got yous to recite my laws or accept my covenant on your lips? You loathe my education together with shape my words behind idea I was precisely similar you.”

Our fallen human nature prefers gods of our ain making. They're easier to sympathize together with manipulate.

But they cannot salvage or give life.

It's a swell comfort to serve the God who created us instead of a god whom we've created.
Check out the Be Prepared Series, fourteen questions usually asked close our Christian faith.

Modern human may non brand idols of forest together with rock God is Not Like Us