Sunday, November 24, 2019

My Friend Lived Inwards A Box

Growing upward nether Communism made my friend experience similar a Canis familiaris trapped inwards a box My Friend Lived inwards a Box

Any Atheistic philosophy is destined to neglect inwards the end...

A Canis familiaris raised inwards a minor box doesn’t know what it’s similar to run gratis as well as savor fresh air as well as sunshine. He is quite content until he learns life is to a greater extent than than a box.

That’s how my Hungarian friend Judit described growing upward nether Communism. 

Judit’s Russian teachers insisted she recite this phrase: “Lenin ever lived; Lenin lives; as well as Lenin volition alive forever.” Communism tries to drib dead along people inwards boxes yesteryear creating faux gods.

But Judit listened to Radio Free Europe as well as discovered life beyond her Communist box. When Communism fell, Judit too discovered Christ.

Communism failed. Lenin is dead. 

Judit amongst her fille as well as me inwards Budapest, Hungary
But God’s Word never fails.
And Christ is the exclusively One who has ever lived, Who lives now, as well as Who volition alive forever (Revelation 1:8).

Heaven as well as Blue Planet volition operate yesteryear away, merely my words volition never operate yesteryear away. Matthew 24:35

For this I am thankful!

Growing upward nether Communism made my friend experience similar a Canis familiaris trapped inwards a box My Friend Lived inwards a Box
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Growing upward nether Communism made my friend experience similar a Canis familiaris trapped inwards a box My Friend Lived inwards a Box