Sunday, November 24, 2019

Errors Most Worldly Comfort Together With Security

Some ancient believers believed they needed to hold out piteous for the gospel Errors About Worldly Comfort together with Security

Some ancient believers whipped themselves, thinking it drew them closer to God.(1)

Many modern Christians believe the contrary - that God promises an slowly life.

God doesn't encourage unnecessary suffering, but neither does He hope comfort together with ease.(2) 

Are nosotros willing to inconvenience ourselves for the Lord when He asks (Matthew 16:24-26)?

It may hold out equally unproblematic equally speaking upward for a biblical value inward our workplace or equally hard equally moving to a unusual province to portion the gospel. 

God doesn't telephone phone everyone to alive inward a jungle hut, but He calls all of us to obey together with follow Him, no affair the cost, no affair how uncomfortable it makes us.

If comfort is our goal, we'll hold out generous alongside ourselves (in time, effort, together with money) together with stingy toward God (Luke 12:13-21). We'll intend of ourselves together with overlook the needs together with suffering of others (Philippians 2:3-5).

Let's inquire God if we've missed something important. Are at that spot ways we've refused to inconvenience ourselves for the sake of the gospel?
(1) Apparently at that spot are however unopen to people who do what is called self-mortification.
(2) God gives us comfort inward our sorrows together with trials. But the comfort discussed inward this devotion is the "comfortable life" - doing exclusively what nosotros want, non inconveniencing ourselves, having all the fabric comforts.

Some ancient believers believed they needed to hold out piteous for the gospel Errors About Worldly Comfort together with Security
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Some ancient believers believed they needed to hold out piteous for the gospel Errors About Worldly Comfort together with Security

Bible Love Notes