Sunday, November 24, 2019

Think You're Awesome?

re encouraged to intend of ourselves equally awesome past times our civilization Think You're Awesome?

Several years agone I heard an interview of a 350-pound actor. She called herself “awesome” as well as said she loves how she looks despite the fact that her weight is dangerously unhealthy.

Whether listening to celebrities praise themselves, watching untalented performers boast at “American Idol” auditions, or but dealing amongst everyday people, nosotros run into the results of America’s self-esteem obsession. We are a acre of selfish people dazzled past times ourselves.

Roy F. Baumeister, psychologist, professor as well as author, was i time a self-esteem proponent. But years of professional person sense convinced him that self-control is a improve indicator of grapheme than self-esteem.

The Bible teaches the same. God opposes pride.(1) He commands that nosotros expire to self, visit others improve than ourselves, as well as non intend equally good highly of ourselves.(2) Scripture says self-centeredness as well as high self-esteem are destructive behaviors.(3)

So let's quit thinking as well as thus much close our self-esteem as well as get-go aiming for to a greater extent than self-control. And let's reserve the discussion Awesome for somebody who genuinely is....God!(4) 

(1) James 4:6
(2) Luke 9:23-25; Philippians 2:3-7; Romans 12:3
(3) 2 Timothy 3:1-3
(4) It's fine to role awesome for to a greater extent than or less things other than God. But let's last careful to rest humble as well as avoid using it for ourselves (Proverbs 27:2; 2 Corinthians 10:17-18).

re encouraged to intend of ourselves equally awesome past times our civilization Think You're Awesome?
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re encouraged to intend of ourselves equally awesome past times our civilization Think You're Awesome?