Sunday, November 24, 2019

3 Lies Roughly Christians Believe - Entitlement, Self-Esteem, Expectations

There are a publish of lies circulating amidst Christians 3 Lies Some Christians Believe - Entitlement, Self-Esteem, Expectations
There are a publish of lies circulating amidst Christians. Here's 3 examples amongst Scriptures to laid the tape straight.

1. God owes me.

We may non acknowledge this belief, exactly it becomes apparent when things don't piece of job our agency as well as nosotros larn angry amongst God.

Truth: We owe God everything as well as He has already given us to a greater extent than than nosotros tin every repay (Forever Debtors).(1)  

2. Developing self-esteem is the response to our problems.

Truth: While much of psychology supports this belief, God says self-denial as well as God-esteem heal minds as well as souls (Mt.16:24-25).
In fact, the Bible says self-esteem is a sign of wickedness (6 Ways Self-Esteem Philosophy Contradicts Scripture).

3. We can't earn salvation. Therefore, God has no expectations of us. 

Truth: Scripture says God has smashing expectations (Luke 14:26)
and obedience is a sign of genuine dear for Christ. (Jn.14:21;
It Matters).  

Please pray through these 3 lies as well as enquire God to give away whatever areas where y'all convey believed them. 
(1) God blesses us amongst many skillful things inwards this life as well as nosotros tin convey "spiritual happiness"(i.e. peace, joy, love) - exactly God does non hope us an slow or difficulty-free life. This life is hard because nosotros are inwards a fallen world. But this is the skillful news: our eternal life inwards Christ is close happiness!

To produce a curt Bible written report close discerning pop lies, banking corporation gibe out today's Bite Size Bible Study. It features 3 ways nosotros tin transform our minds as well as then nosotros tin discern errors. 

There are a publish of lies circulating amidst Christians 3 Lies Some Christians Believe - Entitlement, Self-Esteem, Expectations