Sunday, November 24, 2019

Lies Approximately Christians Believe - The Focus Of Scripture Is Me

 only that emphasis is sometimes misunderstood Lies Some Christians Believe - The Focus of Scripture is Me

Psalm 139 esteems God, non man...

Our souls should live on encouraged yesteryear Scripture, only nosotros tin give notice missy the point, if we're non careful.

For example, Psalm 139. I've heard it emphasized every bit a tribute to mankind because nosotros are "fearfully in addition to wonderfully made."

But Psalm 139 is a tribute to God, non us. We're wonderfully created because He is a wonderful Creator. Psalm 139 is almost His awesome might to design, in addition to His unbelievable noesis of every especial of our lives.

When nosotros focus on ourselves or whatever seem of creation to a greater extent than than on the Creator, nosotros genuinely possess got a pace inward the direction of paganism every bit described inward Romans 1:25:

"They exchanged the truth almost God for a lie, in addition to worshiped in addition to served created things rather than the Creator—who is forever praised. Amen." 

Remarkably, when nosotros focus on God, nosotros compass a healthier thought of ourselves (Romans 12:3), in addition to nosotros drib dead to a greater extent than other-focused every bit good (Philippians 2:3-7). 

Focusing on self shrinks our souls. Focusing on God in addition to others expands our souls!

 only that emphasis is sometimes misunderstood Lies Some Christians Believe - The Focus of Scripture is Me
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 only that emphasis is sometimes misunderstood Lies Some Christians Believe - The Focus of Scripture is Me