Sunday, November 24, 2019

We Must Define Forget Correctly

Many Christians misunderstand as well as misuse the Scriptures that state God  We Must Define Forget Correctly

It's as well as then of import that nosotros know the accurate pregnant of words used inward Scripture.

For example, "forget" (not remember).

Although the Bible ordinarily uses the give-and-take "forgive," several verses state that afterward God forgives us, He no longer remembers our sins (e.g. Isaiah 43:25; Hebrews 8:12).  

In this context this agency God no longer holds our sins against us. At the in conclusion judgment, God gives us eternal life on the footing of Christ’s righteousness, non according to what our sins deserve (Romans 6:23). 

We role forget this way when somebody says, "I owe you lot for lunch," as well as nosotros say, "Forget it." We're telling them we'll pay for it. We're non telling them to pose it out of their minds.

Likewise, God retains a memory/knowledge of our sins afterward He's erased them from our "accounts payable":

1. He’s all the same all-knowing (Hebrews 4:12-13).(1)

2. He all the same examines hearts (Jeremiah 17:10).(2)

3. He all the same disciplines us for our sins (Hebrews 12:3-11).(3)

4. He all the same calls us to concern human relationship for our sins at the in conclusion judgment (2 Cor. 5:9-10).(4)

5. He all the same helps us overcome our sins (Philippians 2:12-13).(5)
(1) See Forgive as well as Forget
(2) See The Only God Who Wants to Be our Father
(3) See God Punishes as well as Discipline, Punishment, Condemnation
(4) See Final Judgment
(5) We desire God to know our history as well as then He tin assistance us recognize underlying problems as well as patterns of sin, weaknesses as well as addictive behavior. See Doing Our Part

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Many Christians misunderstand as well as misuse the Scriptures that state God  We Must Define Forget Correctly
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Many Christians misunderstand as well as misuse the Scriptures that state God  We Must Define Forget Correctly

Bible Love Notes