Sunday, November 24, 2019

Joseph Permit God Endure God - Genesis 50:19

Scripture records Joseph overcoming enormous obstacles Joseph Let God Be God - Genesis 50:19

Scripture records Joseph overcoming enormous obstacles:

Sold equally a slave past times his ain brothers, he forgave (Genesis 50:15-21).

Falsely defendant past times a wicked adult woman together with thrown into prison, he persevered (Genesis 39:1-21).

Did he always say, "I can't accept whatever more, Lord!"? Did he always desire to give up? 

Scripture doesn't tape those details. But nosotros know Joseph was human, then it's probable that he struggled at times.

But the incredible message of Joseph's life is that he allow God endure God:

When praised past times kings, he gave God the credit. “It is non inward me; God volition give Pharaoh a favorable answer.” Genesis 41:14-16

When he was inward a position to accept revenge on his brothers, he said, "Don't endure afraid of me. Am I God, that I tin punish you?" Genesis 50:19

He suffered. He persevered. And he trusted God to endure God whether speaking earlier kings or comforting sinful menage unit of measurement members.

Let's create the same.

Scripture records Joseph overcoming enormous obstacles Joseph Let God Be God - Genesis 50:19
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Scripture records Joseph overcoming enormous obstacles Joseph Let God Be God - Genesis 50:19

Bible Love Notes