Sunday, November 24, 2019

When Reality Isn't Reality - Hebrews 11:1

We must alive alongside eternity inwards view...

“You boot the bucket along using that word. I practise non remember it agency what you lot remember it means.”Inigo Montoya, The Princess Bride.

I confess I similar the graphic symbol Inigo Montoya, too there's a lot of wisdom inwards his quote.

Take the give-and-take "reality." 

Scores of survival dramas too identify makeovers are staged too scripted, nonetheless nosotros telephone telephone them "reality shows."

People play "virtual reality" games too lose touching on alongside reality.

The atheist believes reality is what he tin smell, taste, touch, hear, too feel. He banks his eternal hereafter on it.

Christians know reality is alone constitute inwards eternity, then nosotros turn down to focus on worldly pleasures too temporal goals.

Our "Faith is the confidence that what nosotros promise for volition genuinely happen; it gives us assurance well-nigh things nosotros cannot see." Hebrews 11:1

But sometimes nosotros too larn caught upwards inwards the "reality show" of this introduce life.

So what tin nosotros do?

Pause, pray, delineate out God's Word, too practise a reality check.