Sunday, November 24, 2019

Worry Is Based On A Small-Scale Thought Of God

Something tiny as well as seemingly insignificant destroyed this  Worry is Based on a Small View of God

A 400-year-old tree survived severe conditions on Colorado’s Long’s Peak until a swarm of tiny bugs destroyed it.

These bugs are a practiced instance of how something small-scale as well as insignificant tin destroy us if nosotros don't bargain amongst it effectively. 

Our worries unremarkably accept about terra firma inwards fact. We may accept genuine difficulties inwards finances, relationships, health, etc. 

Just equally the old tree weathered the harsh Colorado winters for hundreds of years, nosotros tin conditions hard conditions. 

Or nosotros tin allow the picayune "bugs" of fearfulness as well as worry to invade.

Worry is genuinely a sign of Unbelief—the imitation belief that God is non enough, that nosotros can’t accept peace or joy, that nosotros can’t alive nether our acquaint conditions. It's based on a small-scale thought of God as well as an exaggerated thought of our problems.

If you lot are worrying nearly something today, inquire God to help you lot come across the “tiny bugs” for what they are as well as His bang-up ability for what it is.

"Don’t worry nearly anything; instead, pray nearly everything." Philippians 4:6


Something tiny as well as seemingly insignificant destroyed this  Worry is Based on a Small View of God
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Something tiny as well as seemingly insignificant destroyed this  Worry is Based on a Small View of God