Saturday, November 23, 2019

Drawing Closer To Jesus

minute devotion explains an incredibly of import human face of our increment every bit a Christian Drawing Closer to Jesus

When nosotros commit our lives to Christ, nosotros cash inward one's chips children of God. 

We don’t know everything nearly our eternity – at that topographic point are many unknowns (1 Corinthians 13:12). But nosotros know it is going to hold upwards perfect as well as nosotros are going to hold upwards perfect (Philippians 3:20-21).

But create yous know how nosotros cash inward one's chips perfect? 

By seeing Christ perfectly!

Looking into our Savior’s human face upwards volition alter us straight off because we’ll meet Him every bit He actually is.

"Dear friends, at nowadays nosotros are children of God, as well as what nosotros volition hold upwards has non nevertheless been made known. But nosotros know that when Christ appears, nosotros shall hold upwards similar him, for nosotros shall meet him every bit he is." 1 John 3:2

We get-go becoming similar Jesus at nowadays (2 Corinthians 3:18), as well as that should hold upwards our highest destination inward this introduce life (Philippians 3:10).

Our introduce cognition of God has value hither as well as inward eternity (1 Timothy 4:8).

So let’s spend upwards distorted views of Jesus (2 Corinthians 11:14) as well as acquire to know Him the exclusively agency that nosotros tin terminate know Him every bit He actually is - from His Word. 
You mightiness similar these 1-minute devotions that encourage yous to acquire to know Christ better:
You Can Never Get Enough of Jesus
Being Deliberate, Disciplined & Diligent
And these 1-minute devotions nearly distorted views of Jesus mightiness besides hold upwards helpful:
That's Not Jesus
False Views of Jesus
Is Jesus Likable?
And to larn to a greater extent than nearly God's truthful character, yous mightiness desire to pivot or bookmark this 1-Minute Bible Love Note's Archive of devotions nearly God's Character 

minute devotion explains an incredibly of import human face of our increment every bit a Christian Drawing Closer to Jesus
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minute devotion explains an incredibly of import human face of our increment every bit a Christian Drawing Closer to Jesus
minute devotion explains an incredibly of import human face of our increment every bit a Christian Drawing Closer to JesusIf yous similar to create creative journaling or would similar to detect out to a greater extent than nearly it, why non cheque out the Facebook Group Jesus Journaling. It's non nearly existence an creative individual - it's nearly finding creative ways to report as well as sympathize Scripture.