Sunday, November 17, 2019

Don't Travail The Tempest If Yous Know Jesus

 Things Scripture tells us nigh the storms of life that rage to a greater extent than or less us Don't Sweat the Storm if You Know Jesus

I alive inwards North Central Florida, together with it's non uncommon to convey high speed winds amongst hurricane-force gusts from fourth dimension to time.

There are some skillful Scriptural applications:

1. Storms

Jesus doesn’t hope to calm every physical tempest equally He did inwards Matthew 8:23-27, simply He reminds us that ultimately (eternally) all the storms – whether physical, emotional, or spiritual - volition cease (John 16:33).  

See "We're Overcomers."

 Things Scripture tells us nigh the storms of life that rage to a greater extent than or less us Don't Sweat the Storm if You Know Jesus
2. Houses built on the Rock

No affair what happens to us physically, if we've built our faith on Jesus, we'll endure "spiritual storms" (Matthew 7:24-27). 

See "Rock Dwellers."

3. “Like a mighty wind”

On Pentecost, God sent His Spirit to indwell us, direct us, together with learn us together with His coming was “like a mighty wind” (Acts 2:1-4).  

See "Holy Spirit, Divine Translator."

We tin allow the ability of God’s Spirit give us inner calm any storms nosotros face.

"My peace I give to you. Not equally the globe gives…Let non your hearts live troubled, neither allow them live afraid." John 14:27

I'm praying all my readers remain rubber inwards the spiritual storms of life besides equally the physical storms.
 Things Scripture tells us nigh the storms of life that rage to a greater extent than or less us Don't Sweat the Storm if You Know Jesus
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