Saturday, November 23, 2019

Contentment Is Perspective

Sometimes nosotros postulate a reminder of what nosotros convey Contentment Is Perspective

The hotel bath inwards the hall had no hot water. We flushed the bathroom amongst a bucket of water. 

Our tiny room had a cement floor, in addition to the cardboard patching the window was lilliputian protection against the freezing temperatures outside.

It didn’t deal that I was sick from our repast inwards the mount hamlet the nighttime before. We’d seen the Peruvian villagers washing our serving dishes inwards a flow earlier nosotros ate. That’s in all probability what did it.

Sometimes nosotros postulate a reminder of what nosotros convey Contentment Is Perspective
The Indians inwards that hamlet were grateful in addition to content. They joyfully traveled past times human foot to a modest church building amongst a dirt floor. They would convey considered our cement-floored hotel a house of luxury.

Sometimes I postulate experiences similar this to recollect the divergence betwixt wants in addition to needs. I convey in addition to hence much to a greater extent than than I deserve. 

"Rejoice always, pray continually, give cheers inwards all circumstances; for this is God’s volition for y'all inwards Christ Jesus." 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
copyright 2012, Gail Burton Purath

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