Friday, November 1, 2019

4 To A Greater Extent Than Half-Truths Many Christians Believe (#13-16)

 Our words convey mightiness to alter reality as well as cast our destiny four More Half-Truths Many Christians Believe (#13-16)

This is business office four inward the serial "Half-Truths Many Christians Believe."

Half-truth #13: Our words convey mightiness to alter reality as well as cast our destiny.

Lies as well as slander tin wound people, form words tin cheer as well as encourage people, as well as thinking positive thoughts tin ameliorate our well-being. But our words cannot cast our destiny. These links explicate more:
 Our words convey mightiness to alter reality as well as cast our destiny four More Half-Truths Many Christians Believe (#13-16)
God's Words, Not Ours
The Power as well as Limit of Words
Don't Trust Teachings that Distort God's Word
4 Errors Christians Believe
Proverbs 23:7 Doesn't Mean We Become What We Think

Half-truth #14: God won’t give us to a greater extent than than nosotros tin handle.

 Our words convey mightiness to alter reality as well as cast our destiny four More Half-Truths Many Christians Believe (#13-16)
God won't permit us to move tempted beyond our mightiness to stand upwards against it. But God oft gives us to a greater extent than than nosotros tin handle. This link explains why:

God Sometimes Gives Us More Than We Can Handle

Half-truth #15: God wants to give all Christians wealth.

 Our words convey mightiness to alter reality as well as cast our destiny four More Half-Truths Many Christians Believe (#13-16)
Claiming God gives personal wealth to whatever who convey organized religious belief is the same every bit maxim that the early on Apostles didn't convey faith. These links explicate more:
What Scripture Says About Prosperity
Contentment Comes from Proper Perspective
Shiny Pennies or Heavenly Treasure?

Half-truth #16: I tin entertain myself amongst ungodly things as well as non move affected.

 Our words convey mightiness to alter reality as well as cast our destiny four More Half-Truths Many Christians Believe (#13-16)
We cannot escape temptations when nosotros entertain ourselves amongst them. These links explicate why:
It's Just Fiction
No Shades of Grey
What About Bad TV?
Music Appreciation
My Name is Inigo Montoya

 Our words convey mightiness to alter reality as well as cast our destiny four More Half-Truths Many Christians Believe (#13-16)