Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Who Is This Guy Sosthenes?

Paul talks of his Christian blood brother Sosthenes Who is this Guy Sosthenes?

Sometimes large stories are written betwixt the lines of Scripture. For example, Paul writes 1 Corinthians alongside his Christian blood brother Sosthenes.

Who’s Sosthenes?

In Acts 18 angry Jewish religious leaders inwards Corinth brought Paul to the governor, hoping to convey Paul punished for preaching the gospel. 

But a grouping of Greeks were fed upwards alongside the Jewish bigotry, thence they crunch upwards the Jewish leader…a homo named Sosthenes. 

Scripture doesn’t country us what happened afterwards, only I imagine Paul returned adept for evil (Romans 12:21) yesteryear helping his enemy Sosthenes.

And Sosthenes went from Christ-hater to Christ-follower. 

If this seems likewise adept to locomote true, yell back this:

Paul was an outspoken Christian-hater earlier he became an outspoken Apostle of Christ.

Journalist Lee Strobel decided to disprove Christianity too ended upwards writing nigh its validity.

Every twenty-four lx minutes menses Jesus turns drug addicts, drunks, prostitutes, criminals, self-righteous fools, worldly intellectuals, too ordinary sinners into children of God (1 John 3:1).

It's likewise adept to locomote true, only nosotros serve that sort of God!

Paul talks of his Christian blood brother Sosthenes Who is this Guy Sosthenes?

Bible Love Notes