Thursday, February 20, 2014

Living Inward The Midst Of Deception

Just equally Jeremiah was opposed yesteryear the people as well as the priests Living inwards the Midst of Deception

God said Jeremiah “lived inwards the midst of deception” (Jeremiah 9:6).

We create too. 

Just equally Jeremiah was opposed yesteryear the people as well as the priests, Bible-honoring Christians tin privy human face opposition within as well as exterior of the church.

If nosotros very honey the Lord, nosotros ask to hold upwards similar Jeremiah:

1. Knowing God…
Jeremiah longed to know the grapheme as well as purposes of God (Jeremiah 9:23-24).

2. Speaking truth…
Even though proclaiming God’s Word brought him insult as well as injury, he couldn’t stop. God’s Word “burned inwards his pump similar a fire” (Jeremiah 20:8-9).

3. Trusting God...
God was Jeremiah's promise as well as confidence (Jeremiah 17:7).

4. Remaining loyal despite persecution….
Even when loved ones opposed as well as deceived him, Jeremiah remained faithful (Jeremiah 12:6).

These are iv ways nosotros tin privy also stay faithful inwards the midst of deception.

Just equally Jeremiah was opposed yesteryear the people as well as the priests Living inwards the Midst of Deception

Bible Love Notes