Saturday, February 8, 2014

Only A Dreamer!

Scripture paints a sorry pic of Joseph Only a Dreamer!

Scripture paints a sorry pic of Joseph’s brothers: Vengeful killing sprees, immorality, together with hate.(1)

Perhaps their hardheartedness is best revealed inwards their mightiness to sit down downward together with consume a repast piece their blood brother pleaded for his life (Genesis 37:23-25; Genesis 42:21). 

Imagine watching every bit slave traders shackled your younger brother’s cervix together with feet (Psalm 105:17-18). Imagine watching your virile soul nurture grieve for twenty-two years (Genesis 37:35). Imagine never really feeling sorrow for these things.(2)

Joseph’s brothers mocked him, calling him a “dreamer” (Genesis 37:19).

And what a dreamer he was!

Only a dreamer would feed those who had position him inwards a pit to starve. Only a dreamer would protect together with help for those who had sold him into slavery (Genesis 45:4-11).

Only a dreamer would concur on to God's hope through twenty-two years of suffering together with separation (Genesis 50:19-21).

Please brand us such dreamers, Lord!
(1) See Bad Blood

(2) Joseph's brothers asked forgiveness, merely solely because they feared for their lives, non because they feared God. This 1-minute devotion explains to a greater extent than fully: I Doubt They Genuinely Repented.

Scripture paints a sorry pic of Joseph Only a Dreamer!

Bible Love Notes