Thursday, February 6, 2014

The Route To Hell Is Paved Amongst Skilful Intentions

s grapheme serves every bit a alarm to us today The Road to Hell is Paved amongst Good Intentions

In the floor of Joseph, Reuben illustrates an of import truth. 

He was Joseph's most honorable half-brother:
  • Reuben saved Joseph’s life. He suggested they throw Joseph inwards a pit because he planned to rescue him later. (Genesis 37:17-22; Genesis 42:22).
  • Reuben didn't participate inwards the determination to sell Joseph into slavery (Genesis 37:29-30).
God would operate Joseph's mistreatment for skilful (Genesis 50:20), but Joseph's half-brothers were fully responsible for their sins against Joseph.(1)

And Reuben was too responsible.

He had skilful intentions, but he was to a greater extent than afraid of his brothers’ disapproval than God’s disapproval. He wanted to create the correct thing, but he buckled nether pressure. 

Later inwards his life, Reuben committed roughly other serious sin, sleeping amongst his father’s concubine (Genesis 35:22). Was this because he'd seared his conscience past times allowing Joseph's mistreatment or was it exactly roughly other instance of giving inwards to pressure, this fourth dimension the pressure level of lust?(2)

Reuben serves every bit a skilful bad-example for us.(3)

It's non plenty to accept skilful intentions. We must create what is right.(4)
(1) God tin give the axe operate the actions of evil men for good, but He never causes somebody to sin (God Uses Bad People.
(2) When nosotros repeatedly create things against our conscience, nosotros "sear" it, pregnant nosotros lose our might to differentiate betwixt skilful in addition to evil. We don't know if Reuben e'er really repented. I promise he did, but in that place seems to live on roughly questions well-nigh their repentance inwards Genesis. See I Doubt they Genuinely Repented.
(3) Did you lot know that these Old Testament stories accept slap-up importance inwards our agreement of sin in addition to temptation? I encourage you lot to read this sum passage: Anatomy of an Insincere Repentance in addition to An Example to Avoid.
(4) When nosotros create something nosotros know is wrong, nosotros commencement downwards a path of self-deception. See 3 Paths to Self-Deception.

s grapheme serves every bit a alarm to us today The Road to Hell is Paved amongst Good Intentions

Bible Love Notes