Saturday, February 15, 2014

Who Determines Your Morals?

Some Christians are determining their moral values inwards a real unsafe agency Who Determines Your Morals?

When asked if she idea homosexuality was a sin, Lauren Daigle, a professing Christian singing creative soul said:

"I can’t honestly answer…I accept every bit good many people that I dearest that are homosexual.” (source)

Let's reckon her response:

I uncertainty nosotros would alter our persuasion of theft if our loved ones were thieves.  Why would nosotros alter our persuasion of homosexuality on this basis? 

God’s commands almost homosexuality are every flake every bit clear every bit His commands almost stealing. Scripture says our homosexual friends volition non inherit the kingdom of God unless they repent (1 Corinthians 6:9-11).

We can't dearest our friends if nosotros rest soundless almost such a serious consequence. And nosotros cannot dearest God if we're ashamed of His commands (John 14:23).

God wants us to dearest the sinner precisely loathe their sin (James 5:20; Galatians 6:1).
See to a greater extent than Scriptures concerning homosexuality:
I Am Not Ashamed of God's Word
To reinforce the truths inwards this devotion:
God's Kingdom is non a Democracy
Do Good Christians Live Sinful Lifestyles?

Some Christians are determining their moral values inwards a real unsafe agency Who Determines Your Morals?

Bible Love Notes