Saturday, February 1, 2014

Thank You Lot Or Ane Know?

minute devotion explains the Scriptural response Thank You or I Know?

When mortal compliments me, I was taught to humbly reply, “Thank you.”

Unfortunately, to a greater extent than together with to a greater extent than people, from celebrities to schoolhouse children are bragging close themselves together with responding “I know” when complimented. 

There were people inwards the early on church building who praised themselves together with Paul said: “When they mensurate themselves yesteryear themselves together with compare themselves amongst themselves, they are non wise.” 2 Corinthians 10:12

Proverbs 27:2 is every bit good proficient advice: “Let mortal else praise you, non your ain mouth--a stranger, non your ain lips.”

We Christians don’t alive for human praise. We’re waiting for the words, “Well done, proficient together with faithful servant” (Matthew 25:21). “For it is non the i who commends himself who is approved, exactly the i whom the Lord commends.” 2 Corinthians 10:18

So nosotros stance ourselves realistically, according to the most of import facial expression of our character: our faith (Romans 12:3).

And when complimented, nosotros humbly reply, “Thank you,” knowing that God is the source of every proficient character nosotros possess.

minute devotion explains the Scriptural response Thank You or I Know?

Bible Love Notes