Sunday, February 16, 2014

Modern Deceptions

 messages of simulated prophets only equally the people did inward Jeremiah Modern Deceptions

Some of the most pop teachers of our fourth dimension downplay sin as well as hell as well as focus on making people experience skilful (source). Jesus, on the other hand, focused on repentance, humility, as well as sacrifice, speaking oftentimes of sin as well as hell.(1) 

Many pop teachers alive opulent lifestyles as well as insist that God wants His children rich as well as comfortable. Jesus was homeless as well as taught that wealth oftentimes corrupts people.(2) 

Feel-good messages conduct keep ever been popular:

Jeremiah warned God’s people to repent as well as avoid destruction.

The pop “prophets” of Jeremiah’s solar daytime said, “Don’t worry! The LORD says you lot volition conduct keep peace!...No terms volition come upwards your way!” (Jeremiah 23:16-18).

These lying prophets made people experience good.

But Jeremiah’s words proved true.

If nosotros don’t empathise sin as well as hell, we’ll never empathise God's incredible mercy as well as grace. If nosotros need treasures inward our acquaint world, we'll lose treasures inward the next.

Let’s nous to truthful Bible teachers, non feel-good motivational speakers.
(1) Matthew 10:38.
See also: What Jesus Said virtually Hell;
The True Gospel Makes Us Sad Before It Makes Us Happy; 4 Things that Happen When We Fail to Repent; Make No Mistake; What is Repentance.
Also cheque out this archive of 1-minute devotions: Our Need for Repentance

(2) Christ's statements virtually wealth:
God gives wealth to some Christians for His purposes, but wealth is non a hope from God, as well as it is non a sign of faith.
Matthew 6:19-21 says nosotros should shop upwards our treasures inward heaven, non on earth.
Matthew 13:22 says wealth is deceptive as well as interferes amongst our organized faith as well as maturity.
Luke 12:15 says judging anyone's organized faith past times their possessions is non right. 
Other passages virtually wealth:
James 4:3 says prayers that focus on worldly pleasures won't survive answered.
Colossians 3:5 says greed for worldly things is idolatry. 
1 Timothy 6:6-10 says contentment is a sign of faith. If nosotros conduct keep nutrient as well as clothing, nosotros should survive content. Loving wealth turns us from God. 
James 2:5 says organized faith has nothing to create amongst wealth. Poor people oftentimes conduct keep the most faith.

See this archive of 1-minute devotions virtually Money & Possessions as well as to a greater extent than Scripture verses virtually the danger of worldly wealth Here.

 messages of simulated prophets only equally the people did inward Jeremiah Modern Deceptions

Bible Love Notes