Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Straining Gnats

 ways that modern Christians are straining out gnats simply swallowing camels Straining Gnats

Does Matthew 23:24 convey whatsoever application to us every bit Christians?

“You blind guides! You strain out a gnat simply swallow a camel.”

Because the police identified the gnat every bit “unclean,” the Pharisees would strain their drinks to forestall swallowing i yesteryear accident. 

They didn’t truly consume camels, the largest soiled animal, simply Christ used this phrase to betoken out the means they emphasized small-scale things piece neglecting large ones similar cheating, lying, too self-righteous pride. 

So how mightiness Christians strain out the gnat simply swallow the camel today?

1. By next roughly of God’s commands piece ignoring others.

2. By focusing on certainly Bible translations or non-essential doctrines, causing divisions.

3. By sharing God’s truth inward harsh ways.

4. By emphasizing grace without obedience or obedience without grace.

5. By calling ourselves Christians simply having no fourth dimension for Bible written report or prayer.

6. By showing to a greater extent than involvement inward what people mean value than what God thinks.

Let’s travel careful non to swallow camels, beloved Christians.  
What Scripture says almost each of the points above:

1. Christ commanded us to learn everything He taught (Matthew 28:18-20), Paul was careful to preach the whole gospel (Acts 20:27), too Jesus said those who love Him volition obey His commands (John 14:21).
See: How Much Can a Christian Sin?

2. Scripture warns us non to focus on non-essential disagreements (Romans 14).
See: Handling Non-essential Beliefs Humbly too Biblically.

3. Colossians 4:6 tells us to part the "salt" of the gospel amongst grace. 
See: Seasoned amongst Salt.

4. We're saved yesteryear grace alone, simply our salvation e'er results inward obedience too practiced plant (Ephesians 2:8; James 2:17).
See: Faith + Nothing = Salvation + Works.

5. Scripture is to a greater extent than of import than our daily breadstuff (Matthew 4:4) too nosotros should never cease praying (1 Thessalonians 5:17).
See: Patio Time amongst God.

6. Paul made it clear that nosotros response to God, non human being (Galatians 1:10).
See: 4 Signs We're People-Pleasers.

 ways that modern Christians are straining out gnats simply swallowing camels Straining Gnats

Bible Love Notes