Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Pagan Influences

There are many pop occult too heathen practices inwards our civilisation Pagan Influences

Our modern civilisation is filled amongst heathen too occult influences:

Hindu too Buddhist teachers such equally pagan apply too meditation techniques (yoga)...Ouija boards...horoscopes...psychics too fortunetellers...pagan symbols too statues(1)...

Scripture warns us to avoid such things:

2 Corinthians 6:14-18: Do non locomote yoked together amongst unbelievers. For what create righteousness too wickedness convey inwards common? Or what companionship tin low-cal convey amongst darkness? ...Therefore, “Come out from them too locomote separate, says the Lord. Touch no soiled thing, too I volition have you.” And, “I volition locomote a Father to you, too yous volition locomote my sons too daughters, says the Lord Almighty.”

No create goodness or enjoyment derived from these things is worth damaging our human relationship amongst the Lord.

1 Corinthians 10:23: "I convey the correct to create anything," yous say--but non everything is beneficial…not everything is constructive.

Let's carefully assay out the influences inwards our lives, honey Christians, if for no other argue than to continue a pure focus on our Lord.
(1) Pagan symbols too their meanings: 
Feng Shui Decorating
See also: Blame it on My Stove  
yin yang

Additional Notes:
While virtually credible Christian ministries concord that the things listed inwards a higher house are bad influences for Christians, in that place are or too thus additional areas where visit is split. You should read both sides earlier becoming involved inwards these areas. Or, if yous desire to locomote certain yous aren't compromising your faith, avoid them completely:

mandalas (popular inwards adult coloring books)

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There are many pop occult too heathen practices inwards our civilisation Pagan Influences

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