Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Jeremiah's Boast

minute devotion explains his organized religious belief in addition to frustrations Jeremiah's Boast

Bible scholars believe Jeremiah began his lifelong prophetic mission earlier historic current 25. 

God told him non to get hitched alongside (Jeremiah 16:1-2) in addition to warned him that his ministry building would locomote frustrating in addition to hard (Jeremiah 1:12-19).

Because Jeremiah loved God, he grieved over the stubbornness of God's people. This is why he's ofttimes called the "weeping prophet."

He sometimes complained in addition to expressed his frustrations (Jeremiah 12), but he never failed to beak God's truths (Jeremiah 20:8-9). 

He could brand this boast:

"'Let the 1 who boasts boast most this: that they accept the agreement to know me, that I am the LORD, who exercises kindness, judge in addition to righteousness on earth, for inwards these I delight,' declares the LORD."  Jeremiah 9:24

No thing how hard his life was (and it was enough hard), in addition to no thing how ofttimes he was rejected (and he was ofttimes rejected), Jeremiah could boast that he knew his God to locomote kind, just, in addition to righteous.

May this locomote our boast too!

minute devotion explains his organized religious belief in addition to frustrations Jeremiah's Boast

Bible Love Notes