Sunday, February 9, 2014

Six Dreams That Came True

 Reasons that God entrusted Joseph amongst  Six Dreams that Came True

Joseph’s life involved vi dreams: ii virtually his destiny, ii virtually the destiny of ii boyfriend prisoners, together with ii virtually the destiny of Arab Republic of Egypt (Genesis 37-41).

Why did God entrust Joseph amongst these dreams?

God had a role for Joseph's life, together with Joseph had these godly qualities:

1. Joseph gave God the credit (Genesis 40:8; Genesis 41:15-16)
He never took credit for the exceptional insights, abilities, together with favor God gave him.

2. Joseph persevered. 
He spent 13 years inwards slavery together with twenty-two years separated from his family.

3. Joseph refused to endure sidetracked yesteryear sin (Genesis 39:6-18). 
He refused the advances of Potiphar's married adult woman at keen personal expense.

4. Joseph did his best inwards the worst of circumstances because the Lord was amongst him (Genesis 39:2, 23).

5. Joseph knew sinful people could non thwart God’s innovation (Genesis 50:20).
Genesis 50:20 is an incredible, faith-filled disputation much similar Romans 8:28.

God has a innovation for each of our lives (Ephesians 2:10), together with Joseph's representative tin serve us well.

 Reasons that God entrusted Joseph amongst  Six Dreams that Came True

Bible Love Notes