Monday, December 2, 2013

When People Abandon Faith

known Christian teachers in addition to preachers are abandoning their faith When People Abandon Faith

I’m deeply saddened to run into professing Christians revise or spend upwardly Christianity. Well-known author, speaker, in addition to pastor Josh Harris is a recent example.

We should pray for these people, only their choices should never weaken our faith. 

People change, only God in addition to His Word never change.

Genuine believers stand upwardly job solid because:

1. Jesus ever has been in addition to ever volition hold out worthy of our love.
Jesus answered him, 'If anyone loves me, he volition perish on my word.'” John 14:23

2. The gospel ever has been in addition to ever volition hold out worthy of our confidence.
“I am non ashamed of the gospel, because it is the ability of God…” Romans 1:16

3. God warns us of this problem.
“The Spirit clearly says that inward subsequently times unopen to volition abandon the faith…” 1 Timothy 4:1

Our civilisation celebrates sins that harm people’s souls.

Scripture reveals in addition to celebrates forgiveness, restoration, in addition to eternal life.

Stand firm, dearest Christians.
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known Christian teachers in addition to preachers are abandoning their faith When People Abandon Faith
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known Christian teachers in addition to preachers are abandoning their faith When People Abandon Faith

Bible Love Notes