Saturday, December 14, 2013

When Life Is Less Than Ideal

 Scripture offers assist as well as hope for less When Life is Less than Ideal

We become through diverse stages during our lives, from the fourth dimension nosotros are born to the fourth dimension nosotros die.

Ideal stages for a Christian mightiness hold off something similar this:

1. Nurtured past times godly, loving parents, learning biblical principles (Psalm 78:4; Ephesians 6:4).

2. Choosing to follow Christ, developing attitudes as well as actions accordingly (Romans 10:10; Philippians 2:12-13).

3. Committing to God’s purposes for our life's move as well as edifice relationships on biblical principles (Ephesians 2:10).

4. Eventually retiring from a career, precisely never retiring from serving the Lord (Psalm 92:14).

However, few of us get got had such a life. So how produce nosotros bargain amongst our less-than-ideal lives?

Scripture promises hope as well as help:

If our early on years weren't good, nosotros tin yet discovery salvation, forgiveness, as well as deliverance from the Lord (Ephesians 1:7; Philippians 1:6). 

We are non express past times a lack of biblical parent nor are nosotros held responsible for our parents' sins (Ezekiel 18:20).

If we've made bad choices every bit an adult, nosotros tin repent as well as enquire God to utilization those things for our skillful (1 John 1:9; Romans 8:28; Philippians 3:13-14). We tin brand godly choices starting now!

Whatever our historic menstruum or phase inwards life,
Let’s prepare things direct as well as produce things right.
Let’s essay to fully serve our Lord,
Forget the past, as well as trust His Word.
Some additional biblical principles:
1. Refusing to sin against our parents fifty-fifty if they were non ideal:
Let's Grow Up! 
2. Refusing to utilization our less-than-ideal past times to excuse our sin:
Bad Blood
3. Taking our increment inwards Christ seriously:
What it Takes to Grow inwards Christ 
4. Having a godly matrimony fifty-fifty if nosotros had bad examples growing up: 
Are Some People Destined for a Bad Marriage?  
5. Avoiding emotional divorce every bit nosotros age:
Shades of Gray Divorce  
6. Avoiding getting stuck inwards our past times sins as well as mistakes:
3 Steps for Dealing amongst Past Sins 

 Scripture offers assist as well as hope for less When Life is Less than Ideal

Bible Love Notes