Wednesday, December 4, 2013

7 Aspects Of Christian Success

minute devotion compares them to Scripture 7 Aspects of Christian Success

Warren Buffett, ane of the richest men inwards the world, said successful people:

1. Refuse to waste materials fourth dimension on things that don’t jibe their mission.
2. Prefer relationships to “networking.”
3. Avoid negative people.
4. Refuse to overwork.
5. Delegate responsibilities.
6. Refuse to permit others command their lives.
7. Don’t focus on pleasing people.

I recognize that some things on this listing may travel done selfishly in addition to without integrity yesteryear some successful people. But I desire to illustrate how these 7 principles apply biblically.

"Successful" Christians should:

1. Refuse whatever activeness that conflicts amongst biblical values (1 Thessalonians 5:22).
See I am Not Ashamed of the Gospel, Popular Pornography, in addition to Pagan Influences.

2. Use things in addition to beloved people, non the other agency around (Philippians 2:3).

3. Minister to everyone, precisely lead godly friends (1 Corinthians 15:33).
See 4 Types of People God Tells us to Avoid.

4. Learn when to tell “no.”
See Saying No to Ministry.

5. Realize micromanagement is counterproductive. Moses learned to delegate (Exodus 18:17-23).
See No Micromanagement.

6. Not permit civilisation command their values (Romans 12:2).
See The Effects of Culture.

7. Be considerate of others precisely seek to delight God inwards a higher house all (Galatians 1:10).
See 4 Signs We’re People-Pleasers.

Source: Warren Buffett on Successful People

minute devotion compares them to Scripture 7 Aspects of Christian Success

Bible Love Notes