Saturday, December 7, 2013

Eight Years Of Skillful From Bad

The writer of Bible Love Notes shares around miraculous things God has done inwards her life too  Eight Years of Good from Bad

Today is my 68th birthday (July 18, 2019). 

I’ve been writing Bible Love Notes for 8 years, too I desire to part 2 ways God has shown me His faithful too miraculous honey these final 8 years:

💗 1. Good from bad. Romans 8:28

I was depressed close a identify unit of measurement situation, too I started Bible Love Notes to hold focused on God’s Word. Studying too writing devotions has continued to sustain my organized faith despite the fact that my identify unit of measurement province of affairs has grown worse. I know, without a doubt, that God’s Word is the best medicine for a broken heart.

💗 2. More than nosotros tin imagine. Ephesians 3:20

Starting amongst 50 friends too identify unit of measurement members every bit subscribers, I never imagined that 8 years afterwards I’d convey 25,000 subscribers! And fifty-fifty to a greater extent than amazing than the numbers are the people God has added to the Bible Love Notes ministry.

Bible Love Notes makes no profit. We don't function ads too we'd never utilization our subscriber listing to brand money. But nosotros convey an amazing staff: prayer squad leader, editor, picture creator, too 5 translators. 

God has connected me amongst these women inwards ways that entirely He could orchestrate. We alive on 3 dissimilar continents too inwards 7 dissimilar countries: the United States, Hungary, Serbia, Holland, Uruguay, Brazil, too Suriname. But we're united inwards the same purpose.

The writer of Bible Love Notes shares around miraculous things God has done inwards her life too  Eight Years of Good from Bad
💗 This reminds me of around other business office of my story...and it's business office of your storey every bit good (if you're a Christ-follower):

Before me was a slap-up multitude that no i could count, from every nation, tribe, people too language, standing earlier the throne too earlier the Lamb. They were wearing white robes too were asset palm branches inwards their hands. And they cried out inwards a loud voice: “Salvation belongs to our God, who sits on the throne, too to the Lamb.” Revelation 7:9-10


P.S. This devotion is longer than most of my devotions. I permit myself 2-3 minutes on my birthday instead of 1 minute. If you'd similar to read final year's birthday post, it's here: 7 Characteristics of Modern Christians.


I'm too hence grateful for Linda, Cathy, Viola, Marika, Aritha, Silvia, Maria, too Esther. In add-on to these ladies, my married adult man Michael is Bible Love Note's hands-on advisor. I don't exaggerate when I state that I couldn't practise what I practise without his leadership, advice, help, too support.

Bible Love Notes is instantly translated into Hungarian (A szeretet üzenete), Dutch (Dutch Bible Love Notes), Castilian (Cartas de amor De Dios), too Portuguese (Blog Notas de Amor na Bíblia). 

We convey a prayer group too a discussion group on Facebook, summation Facebook pages that convey over one-half a 1000000 combined followers: Bible Love Notes too Psalms & Proverbs too Doors of Joy inwards Jesus.

We convey over 80,000 followers on Pinterest too good for you lot followings on Twitter too Instagram.

Please bring together inwards on whatever of these social media sites too assist us part God's Word! God simply powerfulness utilization you lot to a greater extent than than you lot could imagine!

Bible Love Notes